Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Chile In the Morning Chile in the Evening Chile at Suppertime...

Today we've been shopping for all the last minute stuff the missionary in waiting needs. Turns out it's kind of a lot of stuff- nothing like the last minute.

We bought everything on the list and more. They look pretty depressed about it in this picture. I'm not sure what's up with that.

We went to lunch at the golf course where Brian worked all summer.
He loves the food there, and so do we. I asked him where he wanted to eat lunch and this was it! What a compliment after eating there everyday this summer.
Here's some of the stash. Hopefully it'll all fit. If not, we're in trouble- jk.
He doesn't leave for Chile until January so we can always drop off or send what he needs before that big send off. In case you didn't know, parents don't see or talk to their missionaries except for emails once a week, letters, and two phone calls a year- Mother's day & Christmas. Brett & I are planning on picking him up from Chile in 2009. That will be something, won't it?


Unknown said...

so, as a missionary in training, he stays somewhere else until January? i'm enjoying learning about this whole process.

patsy said...

Missionaries go to the MTC missionary training center first. Those who are speaking a foreign language stay for 2 months (chinese 3 mo.) English speakers only stay for 2 weeks. There are MTC's all over the world but the biggest one is in Provo, UT (about 45 minutes south of SLakeCity) & that is where Brian is going. He will fly to Chile in January. Last night he was given a priesthood blessing making him an official missionary. I can't even tell you how excited this kid is. It is a bitter sweet day today. Actually I think I am ready. Thanks for all your interest and thoughts for us today. patsy

Jill said...

I have butterflies thinking about packing for a mission, that last shopping trip must have been emotional for you.