Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Lead it's on the toys...now the dishes???

Today I got an early start. I left when the kids left for school & sent this package off to the missionary. Then drove to SLC to the health department to have my plates checked for lead.
I'm sure you are wondering...
What the heck- checking dishes for lead?
Last week there was a local news story about a woman whose breast fed baby had been sick. They couldn't figure out what was wrong, then tested the babies blood and he had lead poisoning. They tested the family's dishes and there was lead in them. So the lead went from the mother to the baby through the breast milk. Anyhow, the reporter set up a time at the station and started testing dishes. You can read more about it here. It was so popular that they had another testing day today at the health department. I went and I am happy to say my dishes were negative - except for this set of bowls which were marginal- so they are now scheduled to be used on Thanksgiving day for BBshooting target practice.

Can you believe there could be lead in the dishes we eat on?

I love my lead free fiesta ware even more now.

1 comment:

Jill said...

So the Pfaltzgraff dishes are okay? That's what I have. Good grief with all of this!