Sunday, November 11, 2007

Brian's Morning With Mom

Last Tuesday I spent my morning with Brian. It was a great time to for us to talk & listen before his big send off on Wednesday when he goes into the missionary training center. We went out to breakfast - he's a big eater- (just kidding this is both our breakfasts) then we went to Build A Bear to make a missionary bear.

I'll be honest Brian wasn't thrilled about making this bear. In fact he felt like his masculinity had been compromised, but hey... his mom really wanted one, so he gave in. All the laughter in the background is me. Just before he did his bear someone else was making one & he said there is no way I am doing that! So he melted under the build a bear pressure.

So in the next two years if you're in town you have to come by & squeeze both hands of the Elder Messer Bear. He recorded messages - another thing he didn't really want to do but mom insisted, I just really need to hear his voice now & then.

P.S. Brian says build a bear is a huge rip off on parents- I wonder how he'll feel about it when he has a three year old?


Beth said...

Adorable! The video is priceless!

Unknown said...

what a fantastic idea - and he's a trooper for going along with it. i'm sure your bear will come in handy over the next two years.

wende said...

PATSY YOU'RE BACK!!!! I'm so glad! I've missed you! Ok, I laughed so hard at that video that my kids came in from watching TV to find out what the heck was going on! You are hillarious, I cannot believe he went along with it, what a great guy!

Jill said...

Even if he said he didn't want to do it, it's cute that he went through with it for you. It's also sweet that you wanted a missionary bear in the first place.