Monday, November 12, 2007

Early Thanksgiving November 10, 2007

Baby Riley - he's growing! He's almost 8lbs. now.
Well, we did it. We had our early Thanksgiving on Saturday! It was a lot of fun we had a lot of people here but since I have not been blogging I took awful pictures or I guess I should say... I didn't take many pictures. It's amazing how blogging has completely improved my picture taking and not blogging this week I've slipped back into below average or non existent pictures.
Riley & I bonded Saturday night. I keep him in my room so my sister could sleep. He was really good. He was up from 3:00 - 4:30 AM. I fed him a bottle, burped & changed him. We're tight.

The missionary in waiting got his turn. Man, it seems like it wasn't that long ago...

Here's my only picture of our company and not everyone is in the picture. I am so lame. This is mine and Brett's parents visiting before dinner.

I did get a picture of the tables

And the turkey!

Talk about delicious!! The turkey turned out perfect thanks to the Pioneer Woman cooks I followed her recipe for brining & roasting a turkey exactly. She was right it was fabulous.
I can't believe I don't have better pictures than this.
Aimee, Sean & Brittany were here. My sister & kids plus the grandparents, my own kids. Luckily my friend Wende the great photographer came the next day to our home to take some pictures of Brian the missionary in waiting's day. So I will post about his farewell talk including some pictures when I get them.


Beth said...

You have to rememeber to turn the camera over to one of your talented children... I know given the responsibility, they will rise to the occasion, and you will have a totally different perspective on the day.

I am so glad to hear that pioneer womans brine turkey was as good as she made it sound... we get a turkey from Jim's work every year, so I wanted to try it this year since it will just be us, and I don't have anyone to impress or poison (depending on how it turned out).

Thanks for sharing!!! It's hard when you are crazy busy, and your house is in such uproar, and the computer is unplugged, and you have paint everywhere, and your trying to stop and smell all the roses, and the babies and the missionaries leaving, along the way! :)

Jill said...

I love the way blogging has changed the way I take pictures too, and I'm always bugged when I forget to take pictures of certain things and then go to blog about them and don't have the pictures I took in my mind.