Monday, November 12, 2007

Brian's Farewell Sunday

Tradition is that Missionaries speak in church at our Sacrament meeting the Sunday or so before they leave on their missions. Brian spoke yesterday. He was really great- I'm not just saying that because I am his mom. He was prepared, he was funny, he was serious, he was humble. I felt better about seeing him go (if a mother can) after hearing him speak. He looked like a man.

- can you believe this great cake? One of Brian's best friend's mom made it!

Many of his friends came from distances far away... they are all in college now some waiting for their birthdays to get mission call (you have to be 19 for boys 21 girls.) So, we had a house full (very full) of young adults for a little lunch. Wende the great photographer took these great pictures- thank you! It's kind of fun to read her post about the event here.

Megan was here. Here she is with Riley the cutie.

Three of his best buds. Jordan on the right is leaving on a mission to New Hampshire in January.

more friends.

Aimee, Sean & Cole. They are moving on Friday. I am so sad, but they will love it in Seattle- one of my most favorite places ever.

And here are some of the gals.

I am so grateful that Brian has so many great friends. At one point the line of kids was out the front door! Not only does Brian have great friends but many of our friends & neighbors dropped off salads & treats. We are so blessed to live in a community we love so much.

It's going to be a really hard couple of days for me. A wise friend told me once that the biggest secret in the LDS church is how hard it is to send our sons and daughters out on missions. Don't get me wrong... they don't have to go. I have told Brian at least a thousand times he doesn't have to go. He wants to. We raise these children the best we know how, then they become their own selves, make their own choices. I keep reminding myself that this is a great thing for him to do. He could be doing so many non productive things with his life. I am grateful for the man that he is becoming. I am grateful he has faith in Jesus Christ. That he has conviction. That he is brave, even though I know he is nervous. I am thankful to be his mother.

So, if you are a lurker reading this message the next time you see a Mormon missionary in your town, think of me. Just remember that somewhere they have a mom who is worried about them & didn't really want to see them go. Remember they are giving up two years of their lives because they want to make the world a better place. These kids not just preach they work & do service all over the world. They love their Heavenly Father & they feel love from Him.
Okay I'm done. Thanks for listening, I mean well.


Unknown said...

just wanted to let you know i'm thinking about you this week!

wende said...

I have tears in my eyes! You're right about his talk, it really as fantastic. I am so nervous about how fast the next six years will go for me with Taylor because sending him to scout camp was hard enough! I will be thinking of you in the next few days. Good luck! go ELDER Messer! (that's sounds so awesome!)

Beth said...

I am glad I waited to get some things done today before I read this post... YES, I am bawling!

We are so happy he has chosen to serve a mission... Go Elder Messer!!

Megan looks AWESOME!!

Riley is really growing.

Aimee and Sean and Cole are adorable... how did their move come up so fast?

And it is because of mothers of missionaries like you that I go out of my way to speak to them when I see them in the grocery store (this really embarrasses my teenager), have them over for dinner, shake their hands when I pass them at the church bldg, honk at them when we drive by and see them out walking (more major embarrasement), offer to give them rides when we see them out walking (our area is pretty spread out), and pray for them everyday in our family prayers.

Missionaries carry with them a very special spirit and any interaction I can have with or near them, is a blessing to me.

Jill said...

What a great turnout for Brian's farewell. It's wonderful that Wende could take pictures while you were busy hosting the event. I'm sure Brian will love having those with him.

I don't know what it's like to send a child on a mission yet (10 more years to go) so I'm not sure how I'll feel. I think I will thrilled that he has made the decision to go and is worthy to do so. The rest is up to the Lord and I will be okay with that because a mission is the best place for a child to be.

I like your last paragraph a lot and will think differently the next time I see the missionaries walking down the street.

Laura said...

Stalking you and looking at old pictures of Brian! What is wrong with me right here? Haha scary!