Friday, November 16, 2007

Guess What I Stopped Doing

Not mine anymore... That's right people I have stopped.
Cold turkey, no more diet coke for me.
I only had 3 or 4 a week (well maybe more) but still, the love affair it's over.
I am turning over a new leaf.
my new best friend.
*can you relate?


Beth said...

Good for you!

A Dr. told my Mom once when asked if flavored water was as good as plain water... "Would you wash your most precious delicate white clothes with colored water or clear water?". Then you can decide in which you would put through your precious organs.

I have a hard time getting in all clear water... but still trying.

I am not off of diet caf free soda yet, but you inspire me... cold turkey, hmmm!

PaD said...

That's is great. The stuff is so bad for you.

patsy said...

Beth I love that analogy. That is the best one I have ever heard. since I am such a dish lover I guess it just hit home. Now it'll be even easier. thanks for the comments. I look forward to reading comments EVERYDAY and almost no one comments. It is the thrill of my day to get a comment- THANKS pj

Jill said...

It's been 2 years 2 months and a few days since I quit and I still miss her.

Good for you!!

Maybe you should stop by Sonic for a Route 44 cup of pebble ice.