Thursday, November 15, 2007

Day at the MTC

The sweetest thing happened first thing in the morning yesterday. My sweet friend Wende dropped off two survival kits on the porch. This one for Brian

And this one for me.
Can you believe how thoughtful? I am amazed! It was the most thoughtful thing ever, and it was perfect. She is the great photographer who took our amazing family pictures which I haven't gotten around to ordering yet so she included some pictures too.
Look at these! Mini Ritter Sports- these are so cute- we were all dying over how cute they are. I have to get more.
Here we are on the way down in the car, laughing it up...We listened to classical music and laughed the whole way to Provo. Trent kept calling up from the back- are we in Provo yet? Here we are walking in...Everyone got a picture with the missionary after he got his name tag. Putting on the name tag-that is when I lost it. I looked around there were tons of missionaries coming in - 700 in one day! (All throughout the day- not at one time.) No one else was crying- no one- I looked around and wanted to scream - do you people have ice in your veins? This is it you dumbies! Luckily I contained myself- they may have kicked my rear outta there.
(Don't tell Brian- Jack has already rearranged the bedroom.)

Hailey & Brian.
She got his cell phone. On the way home in the car Trent told Jack that when he goes on his mission he's taking his cell phone & when he (Trent) goes on a mission Jack gets nothin.

This guy bawled his eyes out. That was tough.

The sweet Chloe just wanted to get in a couple more hugs.

Megan she's the one who got the least amount of time with him lately.
Doesn't he look proud. He is so excited.

Father & son. Dad of course, handled it better than anyone else.
After these pictures we went into the chapel, no pictures. I don't know why it's just a big room where they have a song Called to Serve, a prayer, some talks a movie. Then the families go out one door the missionaries another. Wow, hard stuff. It's kind of like pulling off a band aid- faster is better, so they say. We each made the hug rounds - twice. Then, he was off.

Here we are outside. Just before we went in.

I love this picture!
I am so proud of this kid.
Okay I bawled my eyes out and cried at least every 10 minutes the whole day & night. I thought I was going to do better, I really did. Luckily I told him the night before, I am excited for you, don't let the crying send you the wrong message.
The best thing happened last night. Brett & the older kids went to their church activities, me and the younger two were doing homework. It was so boring. So everyday, blah, blah, blah... there is nothing here for him. He would be leaving for college anyway. This is the best thing for him. He knows what he wants to do and he is doing it. This is his grand adventure. This is his time before the real responsibilities of being a man fall upon his shoulders. He is prepared, he is ready, being a mom... it's harder than it looks.


wende said...

You did a great job documenting your day! Although, I'm sad there's no Trent covered in rootbeer picture! :) What a great kid, you and Brett get to take a lot of the credit, you are fantastic parents!

PaD said...

Hey Patz, sorry you're having a hard time of it. It'll be worth it. I guess nothing ever worth anything comes easy. He'll do great and you will too. When your last one leaves home is another rough one. (Unless they make life really hard). I hope it gets easier soon. Love mom

Unknown said...

what a nice recap of the day. you must be so proud (of your entire family)!

i bet brian will be amazing!

Jill said...

You made it! Maybe the other 699 noncrying folks lost it when they got home.

You're so lucky that you guys could drive Brian to the MTC and there with him. I was the only one there when my brother went on his mission (my parents lived in Indiana at the time).

Today in church a Senior Missionary couple gave their farewell talks and mentioned their 2 week training session at the MTC and how amazing it was. The man said, "Everyone should have the experience of being there, it's like a peek into the Celestial Kingdom." That's where Brian is right now!!!

patsy said...

Hey that comment really helped thanks jill!