Sunday, November 25, 2007

I've Been Tagged

I've been tagged by Wende. If you don't know what "tagged" is check it out here.
Six facts or habits about me.
1. I am a night owl. I think I always have been. My husband is a morning person & I used to regret being a night owl thinking we both needed to be the same for true marital bliss- but it has worked out perfectly for our family. Since we have six children in six different phases I take the night shift & he has the morning. I know that sounds silly but I can't be up early & late - neither can he so this works out great. He reads scriptures, exercises in the morning & helps with Trent- the way to early riser. I finish up the night time chores... picking up, etc., keep the teenagers in tow, read, lock up etc. at night. It works great for us.
2. I check the weather everyday. Actually multiple times in multiple places. Online, the paper, the local & national news. For my birthday one year Brett got me a little weather station. I love it. I don't know why the fascination with weather. I just feel like I need to know- for some weird reason.
3. I laugh a lot. I love jokes- clean ones- and funny stories. I sometimes feel like my life is a funny story. I love to laugh at myself & my family. I sometimes laugh at the wrong times & that is not cool- I can't help it. I used to wet my pants at school or walking home from school from laughing too much. I can remember my mom telling me that we don't believe in loud laughter growing up. I think she was trying to calm the sillies.
Sometimes I am silly because I don't know what else to do in a difficult situation. Once my 13 year old son got a note from a girl that I found doing the laundry saying he was so sexy. It went on & on. It was so ridiculous I just taped it up on the microwave for everyone to see. The whole family had a good laugh. He was so embarrassed and realized how silly it sounded. He couldn't like that girl after that- he realized it was ridiculous- he laughed with us. You should have heard us when she brought him a Christmas present right during dinner that same year. ("Bod spray for Ripped abs") we still joke about it. It was the best way to diffuse the situation.
Sometimes in church when people get up to sing or bear their testimonies I just get up & walk out. I know I will start laughing so I have to leave. I know that sounds awful but you have no idea- I have some great funny sacrament stories that I am trying to forget. But hey, I know God has a sense of humor he created a lot of funny things.
4. I love being a mom & I love little kids. Kids crack me up. I miss having little ones around terribly. Today I was in church talking to a new mom with a 3 year old & baby. I practically begged her to let me bbsit sometime so she could get a break. I may have freaked her out.
I just love kids. I love being around them. I love how they laugh & believe the stories I tell them. Not that I am making up stories - it's just that adults & teens always seem suspicious or critical or something. I remember being a kid, I think I can relate with kids better than adults.
5. I feel responsible to help in the community & at my children's schools. I enjoy being involved in local issues. I realize I can't change the world- but I can make it better & I guess that is changing the world. My volunteer work- which has been very little this year, since I am balancing send a missionary out, etc. - is very important to me.
6. I love disco music. The Bee Gee's, Michael Jackson, Earth Wind & Fire, Kool & the Gang. I can't get enough of it. When you hear music like that you just have to be happy, sing along, and dance in the kitchen.
*are you a night/morning person?
*do you check the weather a lot?
*have you ever wet your pants from laughing too much?
*do you dance in the kitchen?
I am now tagging Aimee & Brittany my adorable neices!


Beth said...

I am catching up on my blog reading... this is too funny! I am shocked and appauled that you laugh at solo's and testimonies in Sacrament... but not really surprised because you have the best sense of humor!

I am the morning person in our house, and Jim is the night owl... it does work good for us too. He stays up late to pick up after dances, but I getup for the early morning Temple Trips! It's a nice balance.

I like to dance in the kitchen, but remember I have a 15 year old that is HORRIBLY imbarrassed of me, even if we are alone so I can't anymore... until he turns... what did you tell me, 17 he will be nice again. he he he

Beth said...

ooops I mean embarrassed.

wende said...

oh patsy, i am going to wet my pants NOW from laughing so hard! you were definitely the right girl to tag, i enjoyed your "laughing" entry the most, and i LOVE disco, i knew we were soul sisters! i always dance in the kitchen, in fact, taylor told me once that it will be one of the things he remembers about his childhood. is that good or bad? :)

Jill said...

This was fun to read. I have never had to leave a church meeting because I was laughing, but I've definitely had to try not to laugh before.

I'm a night person.
I check the weather online multiple times a day.
I have wet my pants from laughing many times.
I dance in the kitchen often, and I love disco music.