Monday, July 7, 2008

answers part two

question: where is the life sized photo of brian & where did I get that done?
answer: after being startled about 10000 times, thinking there was a stranger in the house every time I walked around the corner, we finally banished the life sized poster of brian to the basement. Even in the basement- going down there in the dark I was startled several times, so finally turned him around backwards. I think we'll bring him up just for fun again soon- for sure on his birthday in September. I bought a life sized cardboard cut out of president Bush at a party store- took it and a photo of Brian to a copy store & they did it for me. It turned out perfect really. the cut out was $20 and the photo copying was around $10.

question: what is my favorite kind of music?
answer: I love all kinds of music. I listen to pop, jazz, classical and a little country on a regular basis- but my true love is DISCO. I know- some people think I'm nuts- but can you be sad or sit still while listening to earth, wind & fire or the Bee Gee's? I call disco- happy music. I also love josh groban & played a cd I made myself at the wedding of Michael buble & rod Stewart. It was so classy.

question: do I like where I live?
answer: this is a loaded question. Knowing I have some mystery local readers, who are too chicken or afraid to comment.... I could get into trouble depending on how I answer this. I have a love/hate relationship with where I live- all due to my own moodiness. I love how my friends & neighbors are so good to my family & kind to Trent. I love my house, mostly. I love my town. I just think I could easily be labeled- "doesn't play well with others." I try but I am opinionated, sometimes bossy, I am very busy, people don't get my sense of humor, I can be negative, I think kids like me better than adults, I get nervous about making friends, I'm just a little shy of getting burned... sad but yes- these things are all true.

question: what skill has been most useful to me as a wife & mother?
answer: oh boy, there is not one skill... sorry it's not that simple. Definitely having a sense of humor is Very important, but there are so many skills that you just learn over the years. As a young wife & mother- cooking was an important skill. I would say- having a good attitude & making the most of every situation, taking time to enjoy life-- planning special times. I saw a quote the other day- DON'T POSTPONE JOY- I love that. Life happens, it goes by whether you participate or not- so enjoy it! That attitude is contagious.


Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Don't postpone joy is a great quote, but I think when you said, "Life happens, it goes by whether you participate or not- so enjoy it!" is even better!

Your self-given label of "Doesn't play well with others" made me laugh. I have no idea if it's true, but I thought your self-assessment was interesting.

Karrie said...

great answers....I totally get your sense of humor...I LOVE it...anyone who doesn't has no sense of humor...take that you anonomus blog readers

Jill said...

I thoroughly enjoy your sense of humor!

That's pretty funny about the life-size cutout of Brian startling you guys. I'm so skittish that would wig me out for sure.

Kristy said...

I think you play well with others!! Thanks for having Jake over all DAY today! He had a lot of fun!

Janae said...

I agree with Kristy and think you play fabulously with others:) We love lots of the same music...bring on the disco here!