Monday, March 2, 2009

I can't believe it... I'm a reader!

Since Christmas I have read THRee books!
This is huge for me- I've never really been a big reader. I think it all started in second grade when I was put in the lower reading group. I'm sure there was no "low" reading group... but I knew I wasn't in the smart kid reading group & it really stuck with me. I took a class at BYU, I don't even remember which class now, where we learned about how putting kids into learning class distinctions can sometimes determine their success. Something in me clicked- I thought- that's me... I am not a reader because I thought I wasn't a reader. I distinctly remember thinking at 8 years old- so I'm not a good reader- oh well.
It stuck.
Well, not forever.
A dear friend invited me to be in her book club a couple of years ago. I said no for a year, then after trent got in school, I was done with some big commitments, etc. I thought- what the heck? It would be good for me to branch out. And it has been. For the past 2 going on 3 years, I have read quite a few books. I am proud to say that this month I even read a book... just for fun!In January we met & mapped out our books for the year.
First, for February-
wow- very emotional, powerful memoir
Has anyone out there read this?
It was really hard to read & put down at the same time.
Jeanette Walls tells the true story from a child's view (her view) of growing up in extreme poverty. It's truly amazing & thought provoking. Our discussion last month was one I DID not want to miss- and I didn't. Great discussion book.

Next, I read this-
Great fun read.
Janae recommended it & even though it took me the first two chapters to really get with it, I loved it! It was full of twists & turns... really surprised me.
It's about a group of women quilters, in the time of the depression & how their friendship gets them through some difficult situations. I highly recommend it for a fun, quick read.

Lastly, I just finished my club's March read last night-

Ender's Game, by Orson Scott Card

This book is an award winning classic. If you haven't read it & consider yourself a reader... you really should. It's the first in a series of science fiction thrillers, written for teens. I loved it. It's hard to put down & full of strong life lessons. I am looking forward to the discussion.

Are you a reader?
It's never too late to start!


shannon said...

I think I'm the only one out there that didn't like the The Glass Castle! I really wanted to like it but it just never took off for me--I even went into this thinking "I'm going to love this!" but never did...:(

The Persian Pickle sounds intriging--I'll have to put that on my list...

Enders Game (even though science fiction thrillers don't sound all that appealing to me) will be something that I'll add to the list as long as you say you liked it--I'll give it a try!

I didn't do as much reading this winter as I usually do...I think I'm still in the blog honeymoon phase...:) So that took up much of my reading time.

I have to agree with you on kids being put into distinctions...I need to keep reminding myself of this as my youngest gets older...I don't ever want her potential to be trapped by a label...

Kristy said...

I am a reader.......I am getting into "The Book Thief" very interesting book so far.

Loved The persian pickle read!!!!

michelle said...

Hooray for becoming a reader, Patsy! You're right, it's never too late. It makes me sad that that elementary school experience made you believe you were not a reader. But, as you said, no more!

I really enjoyed The Glass Castle. And the Persian Pickle Club. Ender's Game was ok, I'm not a big sci fi fan. Aren't book clubs great?

Oh, and I've been a reader for as long as I can remember. One of my true joys in life.

Jill said...

I'm so glad you're realizing you're a reader! I think those early experiences do pave the way for us and it's sad to think of how many people aren't reading because they think they're not readers!

I've read all 3 of these books and liked them all for different reasons.

The Glass Castle was totally intriguing to me because it's so far out of the realm of my life experience. I found it engrossing.

I read The Persian Pickle Club a really long time ago, so I don't remember much, but I remember loving the unity of the women.

Ender's Game was a book club choice that stretch me because I'm not into Science Fiction at all, but I ended up liking it.

Gail said...

I have always been a big reader. I have a similar story about the reading groups from my own childhood. A teacher friend of mine calls it "the buzzards and the eagles." but that is too long a story for your comments page.

Anyway, I found The Glass Castle good but it had some disturbing parts. A similar book that I liked much more is A Girl Named Zippy by Haven Kimmel. Persian Pickle was a nice read. I have also read Tallgrass by the same author and have another of her books in my to be read pile. As for Enders Game, I have not read it, but it is a favorite among the men in my house.

Books can be such a nice escape.

Janae said...

I really want to read these other two...and have them on my ever growing list. I love to read but, it is hard to find the time sometimes. I totally agree about those stupid reading groups! I had a similar experience being put in the "middle" group...I thought i'm just average, not good enough for the "smart kids group"...craziness...I'm glad i don't think they try not to categorize the kids as much these days...i hope:)

wende said...

this was a great post patsy! i too was a victim of the "purple reading group" (that's what it was to me). we were all divided into different colors but we were way too smart becuase we all knew what our color meant. it took me a long time to like purple after that.

fortunately i loved stephen king in high school and that was when i figured out i WAS a reader and eventually moved on to better genres. :) i have been a real reader ever since.

i loved the persian pickle club because of all the great characters and their friendships. it made me want to start a quilting group!

and enders game is on my list of things to read....eventually! there are soooo many on my "books to read" list!

Stacie said...

Okay, I loved this post! Not just because I have become a recent book nerd myself but I loved your epiphany about kids and reading level groups! I would have to agree with the statement that it is a self-fulfilling prophecy--if they are put in the lower reading group they ARE a lower reader or they stay at the lower level.

We even started a Mom and Daughter book club here! It has been fun! We read a book at the girls level and get together to discuss and have a treat!

I think it was the Twilight series that got me reading again! I have read the series twice and it is hard not to pick them up again and start over for the third time!

I will have to try some of these books you mentioned!

I am actually using my library card--A LOT! I use to try to find cheap books in paperback at Sam's Club but hey--the library lets you read them for free! What an idea! ;)