Tuesday, March 31, 2009

making it to the temple

This morning I had two meeting to be at-
the first one was canceled & I got an email yesterday night saying I didn't have to go to the second one after all. Hurray- unexpected time on my hands. I got a bunch of little things done this morning. Late morning I kept hearing this loud banging noise. It sounded like someone was shutting a door, but no one was home... except max & me.
Bronco went to the vet today to get the Big Fix. Or as Brian called it when max had the same procedure done (before he was a missionary & was taking Spanish in H.S.) - NO Dos Huevos-
I finally realized after a lot of looking around- that the huge icicles on my house were falling off. That meant even though it was 71 degrees a week ago it was just getting to be around 40 today. We got five inches of snow Sunday. Another five inches of snow Monday- none today (with the big warm up & all) and yes... we are expecting snow tomorrow.
Spring in Utah?
I hope it's not a lot because - look you can almost see my grass again!
At Christmas when I talked to the missionary on the phone he asked me if I had been going to the temple. Yes- I said. I had gone in November & December- but no I don't make it every month. I thought when my kids were all in school it would be so easy. But it hasn't been. It's all about priorities I guess? So- I promised myself- that if my son can spend two years of his life, postponing his education & everything else to teach people of Christ- I could at least make it to the temple every month. I mean- hey- I only live 8 minutes away- I clocked it.

I wasn't sure I was going to make it.
But I did! Even if it was the last day of the month.

It felt so good to be in the temple today.
I couldn't help but tear up over & over recounting my enormous blessings- especially in the past two years. I am so grateful not to miss this month. I won't wait so long next month. I hope.


Cecilia said...

Thanks for the example! I need to go to the Temple more often!!!

wende said...

you're awesome! and hey, the last day of the month TOTALLY counts. :) good for you!

i hope bronco's huevos are ok. doesn't huevos mean eggs? maybe i'm confused.

Janae said...

yeh for making it:)
It always feels so right to go and yet so hard to get there...i don't get it?
Those icicles are HUGE on your house...I am bummed to hear more snow tomorrow?$#@! oh boy, i'd better gear up.

Johnna said...

I'm glad that you were able to make it. It makes such a huge difference in my attitude when I go. Have a great day!

Jill said...

No dos huevos! Ha. Poor Bronco.

The snow is driving me crazy. Whitney is supposed to have her first spring season soccer game tonight and we've got winter conditions going on right now. Ugh, I'm so sick of winter!

Kudos to you for making it to the temple!

Karrie said...

Patsy...I want to go when you go next month...what a great example!

I bet bronco was crying yesterday too! Poor guy!

Kristy said...

I hope Bronco is healing today. Good for you for going to the Temple. I did not make it in March so I guess I need to go twice in April. I really need to go with my husband.....I can't even remember the last time him and I went together. So that is my goal for April to go to the Temple with my husband.....it is now in writing!

Holly said...

Sorry for Bronco!

Glad you made it to the Temple in time--even down to the wire is better than not at all, right?

I can't believe that snow and ice in late March. Hope that's the last of it!

shannon said...

Those icesicles hanging off of your house is troubling me! It's just wrong to have such lousy weather this time of year...

I feel bad for gloating on my post today about all my spring bliss...

Good for you for going to the temple!--I haven't been in a while...but my big excuse is that it's a 3 hour drive one way...(huge production as far as finding someone to babysit for the entire day)

Beth said...

I almost can't even read your blog right now... soooo much snow!

Hiding Easter Eggs should be interesting!

Good job getting to the Temple! Your pictures are beautiful of the Temple! It just look so dang cold!

Now it's next month already... better start making plans. I wish I could be there and go with you! I have a really fond memory in the Temple my first time with you!!! So cool!!!