Friday, March 6, 2009

little outing

Between trent & I being sick...
we decided to get out of the house a little on Wednesday afternoon. Without a fever, but not ready to be back to school- cabin fever was setting in.
We ran down to the local Target & checked out the Transformer isleI was reminding him- we are "just looking" over & over, because the amount of Transformers in this house is obscene. I refuse to buy one more. Between Christmas, birthdays, & sticker charts I think we own them all.Just when I thought Transformers were the most obnoxious things around-
I see this-
Holy Hell-
what in the world?
This is disturbing on so many levels.
I think the sight of this in the kids "toy isle" is what put possible me over
the edge.
Thursday my cold was in full bloom.
Thankfully my dear friends still let me come to creative Thursday- knowing how badly I needed to get out of the house.

then, tonight Janae brought us dinner.

Oh my goodness- I didn't realize how much I needed this.

It was wonderful- thanks janae!

I think I've seen the worst of this cold... I hope.


Jill said...

That "Ruthless Aggression" figure is seriously disturbing, I've never seen one of those before!

I'm so glad the girls let you come to Creative Thursday even though you're a snotty mess, and seriously how nice of Janae to bring you dinner!

shannon said...

AHHhh! Target! Just looking at a picture of it gets my heart all "twittery"

I can't get over what horrors await in the toy isle!!!

That crazy action figure is obscene! Who would ever buy that? And why would the toy makers think it would be a good idea to make one of those?

Jake is into bokugons, now...STUPID and useless! almost as dumb as Pokemon!

Whatever happened to Tinkertoys and Lightbright?????

What a nice friend you have in Janae--that looks like true comfort food!

I think a combination of a Target outing and good food is just what the doctor ordered!

She Loves To Make said...

Oh my gosh, that girl action figure is awful for so many reasons. It doesn't look like she does anything cool either-- just a slutty version of barbie. That soup Janae brought you looks so...good!

Anonymous said...

that action figure is ugly!!! who would buy that??!

i hope you two start feeling better--i can't believe how long those stinking colds last!

she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

What a disgusting toy... I had no idea those kind of things were lurking in the toy aisle. What will they come out with next?

Kim Sue said...

chicken soup - that will do it everytime. you will be all better by tomorrow.

Janae said...

I hope Kim Sue is right and you are better today:) I am glad dinner helped even a little:)
I can't believe that stinkin toy!! Dang we get to make sure the children are chaperoned while in the toy isle! So, annoying...first slutty brat dolls now this? Who in the world is buying this stuff? Is there truly a market? I need ice cream;)

jakenapril said...

thanks for the heads up down the toy aisle, patsy. now i know, and knowing is half the battle--g.i.joe! (sorry, i just had to) and man, what i wouldn't give for some of janae's chicken noodle soup...yum-o!

by the way, i hear you make some killer pizza. you will have to share, or blog, or of these days. and also, thanks for your nice comments on my lowly blog. i adore yours!!! love, love, LOVE IT!!!

Karolynn said...

Yummy looking dinner! I missed you yesterday. Hailey said that Trent had an ear infection. What next??? Please get well soon!!! You know Target has some disturbing animals too. I know this is bad, but if you go to the isle with the bins of farm animals and flip the horse upside down. You will be appalled! Yes I flip farm anmils upside down. I am a freak!

V and Co. said...

see now why can't i look like that when i wear my painted on bra and skin tight low rise leather pants? lol over here on your "holy hell" doll!
thank you for stopping by my blog. i hope you come back, i can tell we would get a long! ;)

michelle said...

I love it that you took a picture of that stupid action figure! (I shudder to think what kind of action.)