Monday, March 16, 2009

a whole lot of birthday goin' on

Tonight was Jack's birthday dinner.
We invited three friends & his cousins Marcus & Britt over for dinner, pie & ice cream.Jack's choice-
Grilled steak, garlic & parmesan mashed potatoes, roasted asparagus
Plus-apple & blueberry pie with vanilla bean ice cream! One thing about your kids getting older
their birthday menus get better!
We waited for Jack & Seth to get home from rugby practice as long as we could
then started with out them... they got here 1/2 hour late- but soon caught up with us.

Here's Jack & his good buddies
Seth, Zach & Cory
I really like these boys!
I forgot to take pictures of the rest of us- aargh!
(I'm rolling my eyes)
So today after a council meeting I was in charge of-
I ran around town buying presents & dinner ingredients
then came home, made pies, wrapped them, hung up the birthday banner, cooked dinner-
The selfish me was thinking--
wasn't it me who was working 18 years ago?
wasn't it me pregnant 9 months then in labor?
I guess I am kind of wiped out.
I feel like this is a special day in the history of my life.
18 years ago I gave birth to this boy, this young man.
It's reverent & sacred- bringing life into this world.
I want to celebrate my child.
It is his day.
But in my heart I know it's my day too.
One of my best days in my whole life.
what a privilege
I'm so happy to be living it!


Janae said...

Wow, what a great b-day dinner AND gorgeous pies! Jack is a lucky boy to have a mom cook up such a yummy dinner:)
I hear ya on the b-day thoughts...i have had the same. I always thought a dozen red roses should show up for me on every child's b-day...ya, hasn't happened yet, not holding my breath;)

Kristy said...

Jack got spoiled tonight!! Everything looks so yummy! I agree with Janae we should at least get flowers for bringing these kids into the world!

Amie said...

Happy Birthday Jack!

What a great post. I love the idea of it being our day too...

shannon said...

Wow!--what a bevy of delighful food choices!!! Can you be my mom for my birthday? :)

I like how you put it that his birthday is a special day in the history of your life...I feel the same way about my children's birthdays, too!

I am so grateful for the opportunity I've had to be able to bear children...I take it for granted alot!

I can't believe you made him
pie(s) from scratch!! That's love!

Jill said...

Kids' birthdays should involve some sort of gratitude to their mother because it is definitely our day too.

wende said...

it is a special day for you. i thought this was a great post. i'm so glad jack has such great friends. and he's LUCKY to have a mom who will fix him such a yummy birthday menu.

michelle said...

Your last paragraph is beautiful, Patsy. It's totally our day, too! Beautiful.

(I really hope my kids' food tastes expand as they get older, otherwise Lucas will be requesting peanut butter sandwiches for his 18th birthday!!)