Sunday, March 22, 2009

Yesterday this good lookin' stud & I went to watch rugby jack.
Isn't he cute?!!
He always looks so cute on saturdays with his holey jeans & bbcap.
I just look like one of those frumpy, lipless, mom's who has lost all desire to live.

I have no sense of style...
Oh how I wish I had one!
-I just don't-
There was this really cute mom there with cute jeans & darling mary jane shoes on. I just kept staring at her. I'm sure she thought I was a nutso out of my mind. I was studying her clothes, thinking-- how did she do that?
It was Super Windy & sunny & I had to use my Sunset magazine to keep the sun & wind out of my face. I forgot to mention the other day that I get Sunset magazine. It's okay. The publishers of Cottage LIving are sending it to me since they have been discontinued! I am so sad about this. I read it faithfully from cover to cover. It was my very favorite magazine of all time!! If I would've known I would've saved all my past issues. I was trying to be good, get junk out of the house, recycle- dang it!!!
I am in mourning still....
Trent & his asperger friend were playing in the park behind me. I have said this before- when those two get together They SAy the FuNNIEst things!!

NOw of course, I can't remember them exactly- but one of them had to go to the bathroom, the bathrooms were locked, we ended up running to mcdonalds & I got the play by play on how it all came out- if you know what I mean- over & over.

We don't talk about these things unless we really need to- or if we want to explain the whole drama to dad who missed the whole story- we repeat it- that way dad knows what mom had to go through on the way back to the rugby field.

rugby jack's team won by a whopping 60 something to 9.

I think. I was watching intently. REally I was! When jack got taken down by the neck, I gasped, then just decided not to watch as intently. Maybe what I don't know won't kill me? It was a really good game. No injuries. We won.

He's got a good team this year.

They mixed with another high school in the area so now he's not the team captain & doesn't start every game- so that's a bummer. But it's a decent team & they are making a good showing.

(the stud & his boy)
I have been so inspired lately by
V & Company
I found her great blog last week & I keep going back.

I decided to get out some material & make a quilt.
I have been working on it a little this week then I got CRazy & couldn't stop working on it Friday night & Saturday. I pretty much didn't get my chores done & now Sunday is not set up like it should be..... I love sewing love it- but I LOSE what little mind I have whenever I start a project like this. I just can't stop. If I stop- it won't get done- I think?! Balance- where are you?

But- look how great it is turning out to be!

The sashing is a little wider than I wanted it to be...

My sewing/laundry room is completely trashed now. It just never ends. I am hoping to get the quilt done tomorrow & take it to my friend who is a quilter. I cannot wait until it is ready to be bound!

I am wrapping this up to put in the mail tomorrow!

Today at church it was a missionary farewell. (sniff sniff)- this missionary is going to Mozambique. Oh I am so grateful, for my baby being in Chile. I thought Chile sounded far away?

It was a great meeting- I can't really sum it up- just really good

All in All- it's been a crafty, sewing kind of weekend, mixed with some rugby, dishes, grocery shopping, ballet carpool & cooking.

I am putting one of my all time favorite desserts on

blogger mom's cook tonight-

check it out later :)


wende said...

GREAT post! i am loving that quilt and that apron. i know what you mean about letting everything else go once you start a project. i'm definitely that way. hence my cupboard painting project and the rest of my house that has gone to hell because of it.

hell is not a swear - especially if you saw how messy my house was right now.

i'm so glad you had such a good weekend. and i'm glad jack didn't get hurt in rugby this time - i wouldn't want him to have to nurse an injury during his senior photo shoot. :)

jakenapril said...

patsy, you are awesome! i totally thought that i was the only one wondering "how DO YOU do that?" when i see other gals lookin' so cute. i just did not get those genes...or jeans. hooray for rugby jack and his great team.

and oh, how i wish i could sew! talent, talent, and more got it, babe. that's right. super inspiring. fantabulous!

looking forward to dessert on the blogger moms. yummy deliciousness!

shannon said...

I've never heard of Sunset magazine--I'm so bugged that Cottage Living is now sending me Redbook as their replacement-- :(
Glad to know that I'm not the only one irritated and sad that Cottage Living is no longer in business!

So funny to hear you talk about Balance! (my word for the year--by the way!) NOT doing so well on that--thank you very much! I am like you when it comes to projects!--(EXCEPT for sewing)--I just get so caught up in the excitement of a project that I, too, lose my mind!
I've commented before that I wish, sometimes, when I'm working on something that I love, that someone could just hook my bladder up to a tube so I wouldn't have to even stop to go to the bathroom--
(It's times like that when I wish I had money to hire people to do my dirty work--i.e. laundry, cooking, chauffering, bottom wiping, etc.)

Who says money can't buy you happiness?!

Jill said...

Oh Patsy, this made me laugh out loud "I just look like one of those frumpy, lipless, mom's who has lost all desire to live." I don't think it's true at all, but it's so funny and is an accurate description of me most days.

Kristy said...

I am the same kind of mom as you a football and lacrosse games on Saturdays.......I have no fashion sense either.

I am so jealous of your quilt! I want to make one too but that means I need to get my sewing machine and out and see what part is missing and then actually sewing which means lots and lots of bad words come flying out my mouth!! Maybe one day I will attempt it.

The apron is so darn cute!!!

Kim Sue said...

There is a mom of a little boy in Carly's class exactly like that. For years I have watched her at soccer games, field trips, field day, class parties, programs, etc. She ALWAYS looks perfect. Not over-the-top perfect but perfect for the moment. She always looks put together for each event and each season. I throw my hands up, I don't know!

Beth said...

You are not frumpy!
If you only knew... well I will just tell you. I am the one always looking at YOU thinking those same things. Always the cutest stylin' shoes that just fit the season, hair done in any flip, tuck behind the ear or cute hat that fit the sporting event watching occasions perfectly... I could go on and on! You have your own sense of style and it's super cute and trendy! Your home oooozes STYLE too! "How'd you do that?" comes to mind when I am with you all the time.

Whew! No injuries and a big win on the rugby field... yeah!

The quilt - I really love it!!!

What a great post, nice summary of a weekend in the life of.

Janae said...

Great post! I am sad that I have not returned your bottle, and bin...etc...and your sewing without these things?? sorry...
The quilt looks amazing! I am so impressed that you can just decide to make a quilt and actually make one. I can't even imagine what that would be like.
The apron turned out way cute too!
Thank goodness no rugby injuries this go around. I see the poll has made a turn for the worse? Jack must have had his friends all logging into vote;)

Kari Sweeten said...

Fabulous fabric choices for your quilt and apron! You will definitely have to share pics of the finished quilt. DARLING!

Karolynn said...

That looked like a fun game! I love your quilt and apron. You are so talented! Sunday was great (other then trying to keep my kids quiet). I know exactly what you are talking about. I am going to check out the cooking blog now! I have to bring dessert to a party on Saturday and would love to try something new!