Sunday, March 15, 2009

sunday thoughts

Today was Stake Conference.
Stake Conference is when many different wards or parrish's meet together. We have this conference twice a year instead of our regular Sunday meetings.
Today was extra special- we had a guess speaker.
He was very inspirational. I wrote down a couple of notes & want to share them & keep them here so I don't forget right away. (I hate when I do that)
He said he was in a meeting with President Hinckley in 1998. President Hinckley bore his testimony & said that he is saddened by the loss of members in the church. He said that he felt members who lose their faith often do it because they give mental consent but don't have deep spiritual conviction when they join.
A powerful, deep conversion in Jesus Christ- is needed to confirm what we agree to in our minds -that will carry us through adversity.
So often we know something is right- but do we know to the extent that we "do" what is right?
(I added that part)
There were other great speakers too.
Here are some thoughts I wanted to highlight because they are important to me.
*Do you assume that your children really know how you feel/what you believe?
Or do you take the time to tell them?
*Beckon to your children & be CLEAR.
*When we live the gospel we are literally standing at the tree of life & partaking of the fruit.
*If I died tomorrow would my children know our family brand? (what I/our family stands for)
*Take time to talk about what matters most. Have a family song, scriptures, mission statement.
*We believe in eternal families. That means we believe in having family prayer & family night. *Spend quality time talking & being together.
Needless to say- we had some great discussion around the lunch table today!
Great Conference


shannon said...

I can't believe you had Elder Ballard at your stake conference!
How awesome is THAT?!

I'm looking forward to our stake conference which is next Sunday (we're getting a new stake pres.-so that ought to be interesting)

I like the idea of having a family mission statement/song/scripture...that seems like something that would really "stick" with my kids...
hmmmmm---now to come up with what that will be?---

Thanks for the thoughts...I enjoy reading these Sunday jumpstarts my week...

Kristy said...

I heard it was great meeting. Our Bishop talked a lot today about how the local leaders out here meet with with Elder Ballard and Oaks yesterday and it was really awesome.

Our Bishop has us all doing a family plan right now.......lots of families in the church right now.
Thanks for sharing!

Jill said...

Hooray for your Sunday Thoughts!

I was just wondering today about the different things people are converted to, because deep personal testimony of the gospel doesn't seem to be the norm.

I need to be better about making sure my kids know what I believe. I may be assuming too much.

John and Misty said...

Thanks for your post! Those are very good reminders for me of the talks today. I was there, but mostly in the mother's lounge with one of my babies. You mentioned many of the same things that I wanted to remember also...

Rachel said...

Thanks for posting your thoughts! Good, good points - especially about making sure your kids know what you believe. So important! I often assume that mine are too little to get it. But it's never too early, is it? Thanks for the reminder :)

Karolynn said...

I am so glad you shared this. I missed it due to a sick baby. Thank you so much. I was sad not knowing what I had missed.

Janae said...

This was a very great meeting! I loved your notes on what you remember:)

Beth said...

Very special to have Elder Ballard at your Stake Conference!

I loved reading and reflecting on your notes... I keep wanting to post on Sundays so I have a record to go back to on good things we are taught, but I haven't gotten to it... these are so worth while, I might have to make it more of a priority!

I too love the idea to have a family mission statement.

Thanks for taking the time to post your notes.

michelle said...

I love this. I love the thought that a powerful, deep conversion in Jesus Christ will carry us through adversity. I think I assume too much that my kids know what I believe. I'll have to work on that. But most of all, I love the thought that we are literally standing at the tree of life and partaking of the fruit. What a beautiful image!