Wednesday, September 10, 2008

saving lives one at a time

Today I went for a long walk. Well, long for me.
I have been walking almost every week day now for three weeks.
It feels so good.
I love Fall. It had rained last night & I love rain. (pictures are from last year)
The moist air & the peace of being alone with my own thoughts... made me feel so grateful for my turn on earth. While walking I saw pumpkins growing, smelled bacon cooking, caught a glimpse of Hailey coming out of seminary & even saved a life.

There was this worm on the street. Not the sickly little worms left over from a rain storm, but a real earth worm. Plump & struggling to get off the pavement. As I walked by I thought of being a kid & seeing my dad pick up worms & throw them in the garden. I stopped, turned around, picked up the worm, & threw him in the grass. Worms are good you know? It took guts, picking up a worm. Seriously I'm pretty sure that's the first worm I've ever touched in my entire life. I'm really not a "worm picking up" kind of gal.
Then, I came home & did the laundry...
put dinner in the crock pot, had a creative day with the blogger moms, worked on PTA stuff, wrapped presents for a friend---
I had a great day & that was just the beginning.

*What did you do today?
*are you just so jealous of my purpose driven, worm saving life?
(I really did have a great day)


Kim Sue said...

you so sound like you had a good day...i love it when it is all winding down in the evening and i feel like that!

Kristy said...

Good job you worm saver!!! Thanks for the yummy cookies!!! I am excited for tomorrow. :)

Karrie said...

I loved the cookies're the best...especially saving the worm...I'm nominating you for Oprah's Angel Network!!!!

I had a great day too because I was with you and the other Blogger Moms

Holly said...

I wish my days were more like that....even the worm part :)

Janae said...

It was a good day:)
I am impressed about the worm...I don't know if I could of done it;)

Jill said...

Kudos to you for walking 3 weeks in a row AND for saving that worm's life. I'm a worm saver too.

wende said...

i was going to write something all awesome about you life saving techniques being taught at the next RS dinner or something but then i was distracted by "wrapped a present for a friend"...ooooh, could this be me?! i'm so excited for tomorrow, presents or not it's going to be an awesome day!

Karolynn said...

You did such a great deed for the day! I must say I have never saved a worms life. I will have to think about it next time I see a worm, but I must have hand sanitizer. I love having a nice dinner in the crock pot, it just makes the day even better! By the way Chole and Hailey were so sweet last night! Great kids you have!

PaD said...

Good for you. Walking is so good for you. I love walking in the early morning here in our housing site. I did some ant killing this morning. I can't think of any reason to let them live. Worms are good to save. You are so fun. I love reading your blog.

Unknown said...

Bravery becomes you! The next step is to eat one right? Glad to hear you had a good day!
I washed the car and cleaned the carpets in the car, had my tire fixed and came home!zvbkxge

she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

What a lucky worm... imagine if you hadn't come along... I have had a pretty good day today as well... My friend Autumn came up to visit from Auburn and we went for a walk at the park. Fall here is gorgeous!

Anne said...

I'm glad there are other worm savers out there. Living in Seattle, I get many opportunities. I usually have some children around me though, and just have them do it so I don't have to touch it...YUCK!
I haven't stopped by your blog for awhile I had to hunt it down from the reunion a couple of years ago. I find your blog to be very happy and uplifting. I love it.

michelle said...

How funny is it that you now have a "worms" tag on your blog? I love love love days where I feel like I've been productive, those are the best days. Maybe I should put dinner in the crockpot on more mornings -- that would make the evening SO much more enjoyable!