Wednesday, September 24, 2008

where have I been?......

Missed my post today... wondering what the heck is goin' on?
I'll tell you what's goin' on... I went to the doctor & he told me-
I could slowly stop using the crutches & start walking on the boot- well- you know what that meant? I haven't used the crutches since about one our after that!!!
wooo hoooo I'm free. Yesterday Wende & I went to visit Megan, (the very happily married newlywed- she's just so stinkin cute) shopping & to lunch. (Just think of all the money we've saved having me stuck on the couch for almost two weeks!?) Part of the time wende pushed me in a wheel chair- ya I can't walk all over the place yet- (and NO sir I do not want to re injure myself. )It was quite the comical scene, I'm sure- watching us. Me with Ethan on my lap & bags. Her pushing the chair. Every now & then I would drop something then we'd have to stop & pick it up. It was worth it though & a really great day. (Thanks for pushing me around Wende)
In the mean time
look what arrived at my house!?
Well rub my head with jelly & lay me in an ant field -
It's a Package!
- my sister sent me a package-
thanks Ruthie!! You made my day.
Also- I made this amazing discovery- those jazzy carts you see at the store (I've been too prideful to want to use one)- I tried one & dang! Those babies are so fun. So tomorrow I'm taking Trent to target just to ride around. I've decided I may need to keep this boot just for jazzy privileges-
Fun Times!!
Well- besides that & limping around the house trying to catch up, that's what I've been doing.
*what are you up to?
*yesterday I got 71 hits & 6 comments???
*what the heck- I know at least 60 hits were from my mom ... but people throw me a bone- leave me a comment... or are you just sick of all the self centered broken ankle talk?? my bad-


Janae said...'s your bone;) Wow! 71 hits...that is impressive:)
What a fun package from your sis.
And, that sounded like a very good day of shopping and lunch:)

Kristy said...

I am glad you to out of the house!! Things are looking up :)! See you tomorrow.

jakenapril said...

Hey, so are you saying that I have to break my ankle to ride on one of those jazzy carts?!? Hmmmm....what do you recommend? Makenna always tries to ride them. Can pregnant people ride 'em? What about people with kids? The kids could ride in the basket! Glad to see the boot hasn't stopped you blogging...I'm making a comment! :o)

Unknown said...

i'm holding out for photos of you and trent buzzing around target on a scooter!!

Johnna said...

I'm glad you were able to get out. Megan does look adorable and very happy.

Hope you have another great day today!

she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

So exciting that the crutches are gone... It looks like you and Megan are wearing matching pink... a very cute coincidence:)

PaD said...

60 hits were not from your mom. Honest. Glad you're doing better. Love ya, Mom

Karrie said...

I wish I could have seen the scene at the mall with the wheelchair and all...too funny..Great news about the crutches!!! keep it up and don't over do it.

crystal said...

I'm w/ Lelly: where's the jazzy photo???

And, um, I'm pretty sure 45 of those 71 hits are from me. I'm a stalker.

But I'm really nice. (don't ALL stalkers think that same thing of themselves?)

Jill said...

What no wheel chair photos? What's up with that?

Your outing sounds so fun. I'm glad you're free of the crutches. Promise me you'll take self-portraits on the motorized chairs at the stores you visit!

How sweet of your sister to send you good mail, but what was in those cute packages?

Since when is Crystal a stalker?!