Sunday, September 7, 2008

A REALLY busy saturday

Yesterday was such a busy great day- & guess what my pictures are up!! Saturdays are always busy, but yesterday we had a Young Women's Conference for church in the morning that was amazing- then headed straight to ballet for Nutcracker tryouts- next to Laggon. After last year's tryouts I was a little nervous about getting her hopes up. I kept telling Chloe & myself- it's all good... etc. but look at this face...YES!
She made it- we find out tomorrow night what part.
Next the whole family went to Brett's office Lagoon day. Talk about exciting- we only go to Lagoon once a year so this was a big day.We headed straight for the bumper cars- not sure why- after driving Chloe to ballet & all the big talk we were doing about smiling & being brave, & good attitudes, & doing our best... I decided - that's it- I'm going on "Wicked" and all the big rides this year! I was totally pumped.Then- we got on this- (such an innocent photo) the twirly whirl. HUGE mistake. I was a wreck. I had a little or big panic attack. I started screaming & holding onto the bar saying loudly
don't move- I mean it!
I thought for sure I was going to lose my lunch. Chloe thought the whole thing was funny- apparently some of the people waiting in line did too. That almost ruined the day. I was queasy for hours afterward- I guess I'm not as young as I used to be. Even talking about it right now is making me a wreck.
We opted for a something a little less traumatic. Sky Coaster. There is something so peaceful & fun about the sky coaster.
Chloe & me on the sky coaster.
Trent insisted he was going on the white roller coaster (a rickety old thing.) I told him I would go with him... we got in line & Trent started saying over & over- I'm not a scaredy cat- I'm not a scaredy cat- some of the neighbor kids had said he was a scaredy cat for not making it on last year.
We got up through the line where we could see this. We were next in line- Trent started getting a little panicky. I can't really say much can I? As soon as the gate opened & it was our turn- Trent jumped over the roller coaster seats & ran down the ramp- no go this time.
don't worry from here on out it was all good

We met up for dinner with the office folks. There was a mix up on times so we almost didn't eat- therefore no family photos...

Hailey & friend were there, but we didn't meet back up with them until the end of the night when they were leaving.

Megan & tony came too- ya here they are with the smarty pants teen who didn't want to be in the photo... is his hair thinning?

Karrie & her girls met up with us just as it was getting dark & you won't believe it- after hearing Trent's white roller coaster story- she asked him if he wanted to get on it with her & guess what? He did it! That girl can get him to do anything! She also got him to jump off the diving board this summer- I asked him why he would ride with her on it & not me? He said- she needed a partner, she couldn't go on it alone- so cute. Hurray for Karrie! He has been thrilled to tell everyone he can get to listen about the whole thing all day.

*do you like rides?

*do you have a friend who can get your kids to do things you can't?


Karrie said...

So Patsy... can we see if you can get my kids to listen and clean their rooms, do their chores, etc?

Tell Trent he is forever my hero for not making me ride the roller coaster alone...I LOVE that kid!!! He can do anything!

Kristy said...

Fun times!!! My kids are mad at me for not going to Lagoon this summer....oh well!

Stacie said...

Love Lagoon to and the whole family thing but I, too, cannot go on anything that spins or goes backwards! Or I become the up-chucker! I gladly sit on the sidelines and watch!

Looks like you all had a fun time!

Can't wait to hear what part Chloe gets in the Nutcracker!!

Kim Sue said...

I don't like rides but I can ride things that spin all day -- what I really hate are things that go down, basically any roller coaster. So, my daughter thinks it is big fun to tell everyone that her mother is a scaredy-cat. But, basically she is right! Glad you guys had a great day. and, Yeah for the ballerina!

Unknown said...

what a great day! i'm with kim sue on the twirly rides - that's definitely my thing!

can't wait to hear more about the nutcracker!!

michelle said...

Can you believe my kids and I have never been to Lagoon?! (Marc used to go as a kid.) I cannot stand roller coasters -- even when I was young I hated them and if people made me go, I would scream like Charlie Brown. No joke. I can handle the twirly kind, but who would go with me? Probably just Max.

I LOVE that Karrie got Trent to go with her! I am often amazed at the things Lucas can get Eva to do, that she would never do for me.

Hooray about the Nutcracker! So exciting.

wende said...

yay for chloe, oh man allie will be so excited to go see her! i smell a blogger mom/daughter date!

and yay for trent! i think it's a common thing that other people can get our kids to do things that we can't. something about knowing us too well. he wanted to impress karrie, that's it! :)

nice cheese from tony there, wow, he's HAPPY!

Jill said...

Congratulations to Chloe on making it into The Nut Cracker! Woohoo!

I used to enjoy roller coasters and rides, but can't stomach them at all any more. It makes me feel like a fuddy duddy, but I get so nauseated that it wrecks my whole day so I completely understand your experience.

Karrie has magical powers!

Holly said...

Way to GO Chole! Can't wait to hear which part she got!

And Lagoon, yea, we go once a week every week. I am thankful when the season is over, but the kids love it!

Karolynn said...

Congrats to Chole! I agree the YW conference was amazing! I love Lagoon! Looks like you all had a great time! My Dad can get Carter to do anything! We call him the Autistic whisper, it is crazy!

Janae said...

Yeah for Chloe:) We can't wait to go and see her! She is such a sweet and nice girl...I love the picture of her on the horse, very cute.

Good job Trent~ that was a very kind thing of him to do to help Karrie out like that;)

I think I went on that stupid twirly/whirl thing a couple summers ago. Doug and I were at Lagoon alone for a "date" yay, I got so sick on that ride we had to go home!