Monday, September 15, 2008

he gave me the boot

Well it's official- he gave me the boot.
My orthopedic doctor that is. I guess they use these boots now more than casts for ankles...? I am so disappointed! I really wanted a BYU blue cast so the primary kids could sign it on Sunday after singing time. Oh well. I go back in next Monday. Hopefully by then the swelling will be down & they can see if I tore my ligaments. If I did tear them that means - surgery- but he didn't think I did, or so he says. I was not in a very good mood after hobbling with my crutches all the way to his office on the far side of the building- oh my gosh- SERENITY NOW. Anyhow, if they are not torn- that means 6-8 weeks in the boot. I still can't put any weight on it, but hopefully only for 1-2 more weeks.
(I hope- I hope!!)
I got a little lesson on how to use the crutches to go up & down stairs. Then the nurse made me practice. Don't you think people who fall just walking their dogs should avoid going down sixteen stairs on crutches? HELLO?? Just standing near the stairs gives me the shivers, even with two good ankles. You had better believe I will be continuing my very popular, slide down the stairs on my bum- thank you very much. (Trent likes to watch me slide down) Trent came to me tonight- he thinks he may have broken his ankle too. ;)
He seems to have heard a pop sound.
At least someone is having fun!

*have you ever broken a bone?
*an ankle?
*have you ever been given "the boot?"
*can you believe an orthopedic surgeon has his office on the far side of a very large building??? I was crying on the way out from frustration.


Janae said...

Oh Patsy~ I am sorry to be laughing right now made the post very comical. That picture of Trent is cracking me up!!Q#$% You might be thrilled to know that Ava is also claiming ankle problems this evening.
I put some cream on it though and she thinks it's feeling much better! oh my...
Hang in there!

Kristy said...

Doesn't sound like you had a fun Dr's visit. We will pray that you will not have to have surgery. I am sure you will be pro on the crutches soon enough. Poor Trent....I hope he survives....:)!

wende said...

i love trent!

i have had to wear the boot! after i had surgery on one foot at a time. it was ok but it seems like forever that you have to wear that dumb thing!

the good news about the boot is that you won't need the crutches forever - right?

ps. next time you go to the dr., have brett get you a wheelchair - im SURE they have them there!

Jill said...

That's a mighty foxy boot you've got there, can you put some ribbon it or something to make it your own style? (Do they make sweatshirts for boots? Ha.)

It's too cruel that the orthopedi surgeon's office is on the far side of a very large building, he should have a golf cart shuttle for his patients.

Please tell me you're taking things easy and aren't doing PTA stuff or household duties?!

Holly said...

Wow, I don't check any blogs for a few days and come back and see this. And here I thought you were gone from church for something FUN! Is this your way of trying to get out of the Primary Program? :)

What is your favorite dessert? I would love to bring you something to munch on :)

COngrats to Brett on being in the Stake YM's! Layne was pretty sad to be released to soon.

Unknown said...

Sounds like a frustrating doctor's visit. I hope the swelling goes down soon and no ligaments are found torn.

I broke an extra bone in my foot as a kid and had it taken out. I had a walking cast, which I guess I walked on too much and had to get another cast when I thought I would be done with the casts. I was not happy!
I also fractured a finger doing gymnastics.

michelle said...

And the saga continues... I have only ever broken my big toe. It hurt, but it was not that big of a deal. I am feeling for you, Patsy!

This was very entertaining, though. Your "Don't you think people who fall just walking their dogs should avoid going down sixteen stairs on crutches?" just totally cracked me up.

After I had my knee surgeries I had to slide down the stairs on my bum, too. It's much safer that way!

Brent and Ashley said...

I hope you get better FAST! That is just plain old not fun. I've never broken a bone, so I don't really know your pain. I wish you the best!! And I noticed some flowers in the background of your pic...glad to see people are taking care of you!!

Karolynn said...

Trent is so cute! The boot, I am getting "the boot" soon after my surgery so I am told. I have never broken a bone other then my middle finger. Some giant tried to get a basket ball from me during a high school game. My orthopedic surgeon is on the top floor far away in a very large building in bountiful. What is up with that? What are they thinking? I hope you feel better soon! ((HUGS))

Karrie said...

Okay funny comment about the stairs...tell Trent that if he has a broken ankle I'll be so sad. Hang in there and I'm hoping that he says you'll be able to put you weight on it soon.

Lene said...

Oh I so know what you are going through. I have my own boot that I wore for 8 weeks last fall. I didn't have to mess with crutches at least. They told me I needed to use them and I laughed - I didn't think I could manage crutches and lug around a 10 month-old.

Good luck - and take it easy!

Alisa said...

I have not broken my ankle, but my husband did when he was in high school dancing. And to make it worse, while he was using his crutches he slipped and landed on his thumb and broke it.
So I laughed when I read about you and your crutches learning to use the stairs. I would totally be going down on my backside too!