Friday, September 26, 2008

happy birthday brian- 20

It's the missionary's birthday today...
(I'm starting this post on Monday- I'm not sure I can write it when the day comes. Not that I miss him... I just haven't seen him & only talked to him twice for a few minutes in a whole almost year.)
20 - things I love about Brian
1. He is responsible- I can't believe I am writing this?- No offense Brian, but come on... remember 7th grade when you told us the morning of you needed homemade french food for your French class & really thought we could come up with something? We even tried - but found out the hard way that French toast is from Texas.
2. He can take a joke- LAst night we were reminiscing about the time Jack got mad at you & sewed "BUTT" into the back of your favorite hat with white thread. You wore it part of the day.... ha ha ha ha. I think you were pretty mad at first but then laughed it off... oh my.
3. You're strong & you run fast- I don't actually like this about you. Remember when I squirted you with a squirt bottle? you took it from me & doused me in the face. I couldn't stop laughing but I was so mad.
4. You are funny.
5. You are annoying & go too far usually when you are funny. but it's still funny. kind of. after the point.
6. You have a way with fashion. I'm not even going to elaborate on this- if you know him- you know what I mean when I say two words- denim thong- it's scary people.
7. You finally made it to school & church without crying for your mommy at 12.
8. You have hairier legs than dad- but big news... Jack could give you some competition on this now!
9. You used to help around the house a lot.
10. You are good with trent.
11. You have a lot of friends & make friends easily.
12. You have good friends & refuse to date skanky girls.
13. I miss your friends too.
14. You can speak fluent Spanish now & even translate for speakers sometimes in only 8-9 months being in Chile! Amazing
15. The girls at the MTC called you a mama's boy because you talked about me so much! Oh my heart is swelling with pride.
16. You used to leave "love" notes in your pockets- which made for great laughter around the house... after I hung them on the microwave.
17. You love serving the people in Chile & they love you too.
18. MOre importantly... you are a good missionary.
19. You follow the rules. (that was our big worry that you would goof around & not follow the rules- look at you? all grown up!)
20. You have a testimony of Christ & are willing to leave your family for two whole years, put aside college, and girls... to follow your convictions.
PS. if you get to read this... I hope you found a cake pan to make the cake mix & decorate the cake with the birthday package I sent you.... love mom


Holly said...

Happy Bithday to your handsome missionary!

Unknown said...

happy birthday, brian!

Beth said...

Happy Birthday Brian!!

Love and BIG HUGS!!!

Uncle Jim, Aunt Beth and Jacob

Kristy said...

Happy Birthday Brian!!

wende said...

oh man, happy birthday brian, your mom is that best!

PaD said...

Happy birthday Brian. Gmaw D

Karrie said...

Brian....can you tell your Mom is a little proud of you??? Happy Birthday...she has good reason to be proud!!!

Hailey said...

brian! my boy! i love you so much! and if you read this, i'm reminding you that 'butt' in the back of your hat was in yellow thread and you wore it ALL day. correction there. :D loves big bro.

Janae said...

Such a great post for a great guy! Happy b-day Brian:)

Jill said...

I love the photo you included for this post, it's perfect!

Happy Birthday to Brian!

Anonymous said...

Feliz cumpleaños Elder Messer, vuelva a nuestro hogar cuando guste, saludos desde Puerto Aysén, Chile

crystal said...

I love-love-love the birthday photo! And what an amazing comment from Chile. I bet you are so proud of your boy.

michelle said...

This is so great! What better tribute to you than having a "mama's boy" who loves you and talks about you? Lucky girl.