Friday, May 9, 2008

ukulele program 2008

Everyone who goes to our school learns the ukulele in second grade. Everyone. We are a neighborhood of ukulele players- really. Trent's class had their annual spring ukulele program yesterday. It was so darling! I am telling you, that teacher is nothing short of a miracle worker. Teaching 25 seven & eight year olds to play more than 20 different songs-- downright amazing.

Trent was really excited. Oh no, not about the concert... he kept saying-" after the concert we get to go home with our parents!! We get to go home early, before all the other kids!! Hey guess what? We get to go home early!"

Apparently going home early, before everyone else is a real treat.

Watching Trent play with the other kids was- well- sweet & to be honest... stung just a little. He just can't help it - the ol' aspergers really shows up in crowds of his peers. Don't get me wrong, he did great. He was darling. He was also obsessed with tucking in his shirt & checking his shoe laces, but hey- he did it & we loved watching him. Every kid had two solos. Trent needed a little boost so a girl in his class helped out. This is a huge accomplishment for Trent. Being in front of an audience, playing an instrument, singing into a microphone- these are big steps for my little guy. It was thrilling & so much fun.

(I'm really not squeezing his neck)

After the program all the kids brought out their moms a present they had been working on all month. A card & flower they had planted themselves. LOVE IT! His card said, I love my mom because... (he filled in) she plays with me.

Good times :)


Karrie said...

great gift...I love the ukulele's my turn next year! Can't wait!

Johnna said...

That was great! Tell Trent that I am so proud of him.

Love you,

Johnna :)

Unknown said...

what a great concert, trent!!

my sister treated herself to lessons at "alohoa u" this year. she is trying to personally promote the popularity of the ukulele!

Stacie said...

We moved right before Madison would have started learning the ukelele! She was so disappointed! All she got to learn was the recorder!:(

Yes! Post my link and I will post your link on my site too! I sure miss all you guys! :)

Kristy said...

Trent did a great job! He is making a lot of progress! Way to go Trent!

Holly said...

That sounds like an interesting neighborhood--full of ukelele players. Why does "Tiptoe Through the Tulips" immediately come to mind???

Jill said...

Wow, what an undertaking for that teacher, it looks like such a fun thing for the kids to get to do. Trent was cracking me up.