Wednesday, May 28, 2008

the funnest day of the year

Our school's field day carnival is truly the funnest day of the school year.
Every year for the past 5 I think I have been painting faces... which is a fun but weary job.
I painted a lot of kittens, snakes, lizards, names, butterflies & flowers. I didn't paint a cougar, giraffe, alligator- I'm good, but not that good (actually I'm not really even good- but whatever) I refused to paint many phrases such as-- kiss me I'm single, hot & sexy, & dumb blonde-( I almost talked this gal into blonde & college bound- but she didn't go for it.) 6th graders, do you think they just watch too much TV or what.....?
Here's chloe getting BYU across her face- ? Hey- it's a cool school! I love to give the UofU kids a hard time. At one point I said, I don't paint Uof U on faces & a bunch of kids started to leave my line. I was just joking..... hee hee. These kids are apparently pretty serious.

Here's wende & Lily.
And.. .Ethan who later in the day had the cutest nemo painted face! I should've gotten a picture of that too!
I did a terrible job taking pictures because I was stuck painting for
except for the one coke induced potty break.
the line just never let up.... I wish I would've taken a photo of the swarms of kids waiting to get their turn. It was non stop.

Around the corner from here were three HUGE blow up toys & a dunking booth. To the left snow cones, cotton candy, drinks, cookies, chips, carnival heaven basically. There were loads of games where you won tickets & could take them to the prize station!! Woo Hoo trent got a hot wheels watch- does anyone know how to set the time on a cheap ol' hot wheels watch? Side walk chalk, a parachute guy & one of those sticky balls that's like a yo yo. fun stuff.
I don't have any photos of trent because he was out having too much fun! At one point he came up to me completely soaked to the skin. He had been visiting the dunking booth quite a bit. Luckily it was 80 degrees & gorgeous. This is big progress for t-bone. Last year it was really hard for him. He spent most of the day standing next to me begging to go home- it was just too much stimulation, too many choices, & the crowd was way to overwhelming. (it broke my heart) This year- he just went with it- PROGRESS- gotta love it!


Beth said...

What a great fun time! Sounds awesome!

I would have been soooo stressed out trying to figure out something to paint, or trying to fulfill request for specific things to paint! EEEkkkkk! Good thing you got the job and not me (although I could have probably handled BYU or a snake... maybe)! he he he

Karrie said...

You and Wende were awesome...who painted Riley's was soo cute! I have a picture on my blog of the lines you guys did great! next year we need to have shifts for the face painters. Thank You

Trent was at the dunk tank on a regular basis...he liked getting wet the best, but he took turns at throwing the balls too. He did GREAT!

wende said...

thanks for always being at the face painting table with me! you're right that it's a fun but weary job, the kids are constantly cracking me up! ...and so does gail - "but not a mallard or anything!" was my favorite line of the day, and yea, and your cougar request! :) so funny, who do the kids think we are?

every time i saw trent he was smiling big time and soaking wet. i expected him to sit with us more but he was barely there - i'm so glad he had fun! go trent!

wende said...

ps, i promise i wasn't hurting lilli, in that photo it looks like i have her head in a death vice!

Johnna said...

You are amazing. Oh I guess I repeat myself, but I can't believe all that you get done. Looks like you were having a great time!

Love you sis......


Kristy said...

Fun day......I feel bad I didn't volunteer to help but I think I have met my max this year! The faces were too cute!

Stacie said...

Wow! Your school does the field day/carnival thing much better than ours!! I think there is so much more parent participation at your school!

You and Wende must do a great job to keep getting called back every year! :)

Jill said...

You're a face painter too?! Your talents know no end.

Janae said...

You guys are all very talented in the face painting! What a fun day! I should have been there...oh the mother guilt!