Tuesday, May 27, 2008

memorial day

We had a really good Memorial day. Even though it rained the whole day.
In fact it was super rainy. It reminded me of every single fourth of July we spent in Seattle. Pouring rain. No let up.Brett has been working with scouts in our area for years. They've been putting up flags for a fund raiser on patriotic holidays. It's a great thing! Every year on Memorial day he prepares an inspirational message about patriotism, valor, it's great for the boys. Tonight we used the same message for family night.Then we watched the National Memorial Day concert I had taped the day before on.
It was amazing!
Also, look at this, Brett fixed my bike so I'm up & running for the summer!!
Woo Hoo- I'm excited to ride to the library with Trent & Chloe next week when school is out.
Only 4 days left & school's out for summer.

*did you have a great day?


michelle said...

We had a pretty good day. Marc went to work, the kids and I stayed inside because of the rain. Max and I cooked and baked most of the day, and then Marc's parents came for dinner. All good, but I do have a cold.

Hooray for getting your bike fixed!

Stacie said...

What a great idea for Family Night! What a great tradition! I love any and all traditions!

Woo-hoo on the bike getting fixed! What a great guy to do that for you! :)

wende said...

i'm so glad you got your bike fixed! i keep thinking i want a bike to go riding but then i remember that i live on the most ridiculous hill (even my kids don't want to ride their bikes because of it) and the size of my rear-end and how unattractive that would be to have it hanging off both sides of that very tiny seat.

but good for you! :) your hiney will look great! i'm so proud of you!

Jill said...

I enjoyed the rainy Memorial Day. We had lunch at Training Table, went bowling, then read and napped in the cozy, then played football on the front lawn, it was a good day.

Janae said...

Glad it was good despite the rain!