Wednesday, May 7, 2008

31 for may- just a little late

1. I just remembered today I didn't do my list this month- so here goes.
2. I have had post partum depression.
3. It was pretty bad. I'm sad but mostly glad that part of my life is over.
4. I've had 2 colonoscopy's.
5. My younger sister has had pre colon cancer.
6. My second colonoscopy was yesterday.
7. With my five kidney stones- I have now had the experience of clearing out my- you know- 5 times. It sucks- for lack of a better term. (we don't allow this word at my house but it is so appropriate right now.)
8. Thank heavens-- I'm fine.
9. I went to WWAtchers this morning & I had only lost .4 lbs. This is just so wrong & sad on so many levels.
10. Proof I'm not full of "it" no matter what my kids & husband say. :)
11. I love berries- today I bought strawberries & blackberries- yum!
12. I am supposed to perform a hidden talent for hailey's Young Women's group tonight.
13. If it's not too horrifying for her I am going to have my toes dance.
14. Yep- my toes can dance, all by themselves. maybe someday I'll put a video up. don't hold your breath.
15. I laugh loud.
16. My kids can hear me laughing in crowds.
17. I remember a long time ago hearing someone who laughed really loud & thinking- I wish I laughed like that.
18. I need to be more careful what I wish for.
19. I have been wishing to be skinny for a while now.
20. Yesterday I was reminded that being healthy is more important than anything, especially being skinny.
21. I wouldn't want to be skinny if it meant being sick to get there. (or on laxatives- what a nightmare)
22. I am not just wishing to be healthy- but really working on it.
23. I am sad that I missed women's conference at BYU this year.
24. Being on BYU campus makes my heart swell with sweet memories of one of the most wonderful times in my life.
25. I almost get teary when I see the Y on the mountain.
26. I'm not crazy.
27. My roommates & I did a lot of crazy things that could have gotten us kicked out of school.
28. Mostly having to do with water balloons & eggs.
29. My husband kissed me for the first time outside my dorm room.
30. I loved that dorm room, even though it was made of cinder block & freezing.
31. I am looking forward to the rest of the spring without a wedding to plan.


Kristy said...

I would pay money to see your toes dance!!! :)

wende said...

love love love your monthly lists. i love the thought of you doing something mischievous with eggs and water balloons. i need to get to know THAT patsy better!

Holly said...

Your lists are so fun to read!

Hooray about your tests (though sorry the process was ick). Healthy is wonderful!

College just is not college without a few pranks, right?

michelle said...

I am so glad your feeling better. It sounds like you have been thru it!

I just caught up on your blog. The wedding looked like it was so beautiful! Your daughter looks so happy! :)

Janae said...

A great list Patsy! So happy you are feeling well and have that over with:) sorry, for the process that takes....I am not looking forward to that one day...but, healthy is the most important thing for sure! sorry about the .4 that really is wrong, very wrong! I also would like to see the toe dance:)

Anonymous said...

Hey Sweetie!
I also enjoy your lists - a few insights into the mysterious woman that I married! I hope you have a great day! Love you....

Beth said...

Awww.. Your hubby reads your blog! Very cool!!

Your spring yard looks awesome in bloom and all green!!

Don't stress on the .4 it will come, keep doing all the good things your doing.

I love learning new things about you...dancing toes, who knew! Can't wait to see those.

I figured as much with the eggs and water balloons though... so totally you.

Keep taking care!!

michelle said...

You've had kidney stones, too? 5?? Oh, man. You deserve a break!