Friday, May 30, 2008


: thrown into or being in a state of fear, fright, or panic from knowing the kids will soon be home for the summer
Am I the only one feeling this way?
This week alone...
Trent has-
*rammed into the back of brett's car breaking a tail light.
*mixed cement in the wheel barrow & left it to dry
*put a big scratch in the side of my car with his bike
*almost gotten ran over multiple times
*tried to mortar & brick the tree house
(I am ready to kill my remodeling neighbor for giving him such good ideas & cement?)
*had his bike hung up in the garage for not putting it away & it almost getting run over
(maybe I should run it over?)
*had his bike put up for not wearing a helmet- any minute he is going to get ran over, we are trying to be prepared here.
*cried (seriously?) because he couldn't find anyone to play with for like 10 seconds at a time
*after finally finding a friend- walking off to the neighbors house & forgetting said friend
*proclaimed he hates the library & doesn't want to go there anymore
*bawled because he lost a school book & Yes I am making him pay for it with his own hard earned three dollars- "WHAT? that's my money?? I hate you!"
*begged me for money over & over..... news flash: the ice cream man is a rip off
Oh man- it's going to be a long summer.......................................


Unknown said...

i hear you.

just about every day here can be proclaimed "the worst day ever!!" (jack's new favorite expression.) fortunately, he gets over that fairly quickly.

the other day he accompanied me on a walk (he was rollerblading, so of course he was well ahead of me.) i came around a corner, and he was LYING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD!! because he was "tired." 50 yards from our driveway. thank goodness we live on a fairly quiet street. but, holy cow!!

Kristy said...

I am glad that I am not the only one thinking that this summer will be long. My boys can't go 15 minutes without having a major fight and slug fest! Hang in there and send Trent over anytime! :)

Stacie said...

I agree with Kristy! It is so good to know that we are not the only one that has kids who are disaster prone, cry at the drop of a hat, want friends every minute of every day, almost get hit by a car (more than once), never want to wear their bike helmet, say, "I'm bored" 2 days after the summer starts!!

Sounds normal (sorry to say it!) :)

michelle said...

Yeah, I'm a little bit scared. Today was only the last day of school and already I'm feeling like I have high blood pressure from the chaos.

I would be seriously mad at the neighbor who gave him cement!!

Dying over Lelly's comment!

Karrie said...

Funny post...I'm there with you...all I can say is "sit down, shut up, close your eyes and look out the window" JK That's what I ususally say many times during the summer driving my kids places.