Friday, May 23, 2008

22 years

Today is our anniversary. I can't believe it, but it's true- married 22 years now. What a blessing my marriage has been in my life, beyond words. With my newlywed daughter in mind here is my list of 22 things I have learned about marriage-
1. Be kind.
2. Take time out everyday to talk & be together, even if it's just a few minutes before you fall asleep.
3. Pray for & with your spouse & family everyday.
4. Work to make your life together good- pull your own weight- don't expect him to do everything.
5. When you can't pull your own weight, you'll be glad that you usually do.
6. A reasonably clean home just makes everyone feel better - I'm not talking perfection, but you know what I mean. It doesn't matter who cleans it- but if you have more time at home then you should do the best you can.
7. Make goals together & work together to achieve them.
8. Make your expectations clear, don't assume he should know or already knows anything. This is especially true for holidays & birthdays. Trust me on this one- be specific if it is that important to you.
9. You HAVE to have a sense of humor- if you can find the funny in even irritating situations it will lesson the stress immensely, but sometimes you have to keep the laughter to yourself. (at least for a while)
10. Don't take yourself too seriously.
12. Be loyal- always.
13. Intimacy really is important.
14. So he leaves sock on the floor or hair in the bathroom- just be glad it's there, if it weren't he wouldn't be there.
15. risk it- give yourself completely- don't go half way- it's a risk you have to make.
16. children make marriage harder.
17. and better- it's work though- no doubt about it.
18. Don't EVER get so busy that you lose touch of the love you share.
19. That means date nights- no matter how busy you are & no matter what the kids are doing- no matter how much money you have- make your time together one of your biggest priorities.
20. The best thing you can give your children is an example of a good relationship/marriage to their father. You can find a qualified babysitter. I've known two different couples where the wife refused to leave the kids with a sitter- they're both divorced now.
21. Go on vacations with & without the kids/family. Yearly if you can.
22. If all else fails, refer to #1.

Happy Anniversary Brett- I love you!


Beth said...

Happy Anniversary Brett and Patsy!!

What a great list of 22 things to remember in our marriage! And some good advice for the newlyweds.

I hope your special day is wonderful!

michelle said...

What a great anniversary post! A lot of wisdom here, Patsy.

Kristy said...

You and Chole are twins!!! I can't believe how much she looks like you! Congrats!!! I am not that far behind you! Have fun day!!

Unknown said...

i just posted our anniversary post, too (although, our *8* seems downright naive compared to your *22*).

i will have to visit your list again and again. this is great!

happy anniversary!!

andrea said...

Happy Anniversary! I loved your list. Megan is lucky to have you and Brett as great examples. You've accomplished a lot in 22 years.

Amanda :-) said...

I love that you've done that list. Brilliant sentiments. I agree with absolutely everything, although we're some way behind you (only 8 years this year!).

Don't you look the handsome pair in that picture? :-D

Janae said...

A wonderful list Patsy. All so true! Happy Anniversary:)

Jill said...

Happy Anniversary Patsy and Brett!

This is a great list and makes me see how many areas Randy and I should improve in. Maybe I'll have him read this post.

wende said...

great post, i can't believe that's not a photo of chloe! wow! i agree 100% with your list, every last word of it. you are lucky to have each other.

happy anniversary!

Karrie said...

Great post...and so so true! No wonder you've made it 22 years you both try and work at it really hard and it shows...keep it up.