Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I was doing so good- but that's all over. I didn't go to WW this morning, didn't even pretend I was going to go... I am just burned out. I think in the last two days I have eaten anything & everything that has been in front of my face & now I want to puke. Why is this so hard for me? Maybe with the wedding over & every other busy thing winding down I just need a release? I don't know, but I do know I am out of control.

Also, I am sick, sick, sick of being busy. REally this is a life changing for me. I don't want to do it anymore. I am tired of it. I just want to create something & go to lunch with friends (there's that eating issue again.) I guess I am way out of balance. I am even thinking maybe balance is just too strong of a word. I bought a new necklace for 2008 that says CREATE on it... but stopped wearing it out of pure frustration. maybe I should buy another new one that says... sleeping in. Ya that's what I want. My new phrase is SLEEPING IN & NO COMMITMENTS. That is after the... benefit concert & concessions, council PTA, teacher appreciation booklet, decorations for 6th grade graduation, other teacher gifts, field day face painting, getting the missionary newsletter started, primary music- father's day songs, potluck for brett on friday, work on friday....... I'm doomed.


Kristy said...

I am feeling the same way lately......I am trying to find a new balance but I am struggling. I can't seem to get it together....I feel like everything is falling apart one thing at a time. Maybe we need a vacation to regroup!! Hang in there!!!:)

Becky said...


Karrie said... are creating...creating a great concert for the school...a great graduation party and gift for your kids teachers....face painting is are creating a real life that your friends and family can enjoy with you...I love being your friend

michelle said...

Oh dear, severe frustration! Sleeping in and no commitments sounds great -- any chance of that on the horizon?

Holly said...

I like your new phrase for the remainder of 2008 :).

I struggle with frustration/emotional eating too--it's so tempting. I hope things slow down for you soon. Hang in there!

Janae said...

The problem with WW is there is a definite burnout that comes with it. I have lost 20 pounds with them before so, I know it works. Sometimes you just need a break to regroup...that is way ok and definitely sometimes needed:)
I agree with Karrie on how much you are creating. Maybe next year just needs to be a bit of a relaxer year? There is nothing wrong with those:)

Jill said...

The thought of you wearing a necklace that says "sleeping in and no commitments" is hilarious. Will things slow down when school gets out? I know the kids will be home, but all the field trips, classroom help and PTA stuff will stop right? You absolutely must schedule a day of creativity (or at least a few hours) for your own sanity and so that you can wear your "Create" necklace with pride.

wende said...

karrie's comment says exactly what i was thinking! and jill is right, next year, we're doing a creative day once a week NO MATTER WHAT! i feel your pain, i am counting down the days to summer more than the kids are. i love you patsy!