Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Daddy Daughter Dinner & Fun

Tonight was the much anticipated Daddy daughter dinner night for activity days (chloe's group of church girls). It was a western themed night with dinner- sloppy joes, chips & root beer-games & a skit by the girls. Quote from chloe-" we had a three legged race, wheel barrel race, potato race (running with a potato between your knees) then we did our cow girl cinderella play. I was the step mother. It was fun dressing up. It was all fun. It was great to be with dad."
Lily, Caroline & Chloe- dad said to give him our "tough" faces.
Hailey had YW- "spa night", Jack had football, & Brian went to the temple with friends.
Trent & I sat on the porch & watched a rain storm, with thunder & lightening.
It was a busy day of cleaning. I made a list of jobs & all the kids including the neighbor kids who were over picked one & we all got them done. I guess that serves them right for coming over- just kidding. Hey if your here you're family. It's been a good night although Trent continues to make unwise choices- jumping onto the hood of the car as jack is backing out of the driveway. I am scared one of us isn't going to make it to his teen years. (Watching Jack carry him in by is shorts up to his room for a lecture did warm my heart- he's a good brother) Is it the ADHD or the eight year old? All I know is I'm not sure my best is going to be good enough, but I really am pulling out all the stops & trying hard. Six more days until school starts- not that I am counting or anything. What made me think I could do this job?


Beth said...

Chloe looks so much like her Dad, she is the only one I think really really takes after him... very cool!!

Don't question it too much, from the outside looking in... I am pretty sure it's clear why Heavenly Father chose you guys to have stewardship over that little guy! You are doing a great job! I have told you a hundred times, but I can't say it enough, Thank You for being such a wonderful Mom and Dad to our Nieces and Nephews!!

Love you guys!
Aunt Beth

Beth said...

Oh yes, and thanks for getting me so hooked on blogging! I love it... what a great daily creative release it is for me.

Keep blogging, I love love love looking through this little window and watching the kids grow, and the hand of the Lord in your lives!! Great Times!


PaD said...

It takes a mother like you to raise a special spirit like Trent. You are excellent with children. I wish I'd been just like you raising my kinds. Pad

patsy said...

Thanks mom & beth- I love that you read my blog. I appreciate your words of encouragement- I think it is great that I feel closer to my family through blogging. Love you guys patsy