Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Summer Fun!

In my attempt to do something fun with the kids before school starts we sat down & made a list of all the things we want to do in the next 3 weeks. One of the many, was to visit IKEA. This may not seem like a big deal to most- but it's big here in Utah. The store just opened in May & it is amazing, if you've never been to one you really need to check it out. Trent was super excited to go into the play land which is ultra cool with tons of modern toys & a large ball pit. The girls were in heaven wandering through the many "decorated rooms." Let me just say they each have new ideas for what they want on their birthdays. The best part was Aimee my niece met us there. She is so cute & so much fun. We got trent out of play land then had lunch~ .99 mac & cheese for kids! He was a little overwhelmed by the whole place. He kept saying - we're never going to find our way out of this place- (it's huge!) Every so often there are little kiosk areas with activities for kids who are undoubtedly board since their parents are completely mesmerized by millions of affordable products. On the way home we stopped off at Dad's office & brought him some swedish raspberry cookies- did I mention IKEA is a swedish store? Well we're back home & ready to drive ballet carpool. I am hoping to do a ballet post tonight or tomorrow.
Have any good ideas for us?


Beth said...

I love IKEA... it's on my favorite list of things to do while I am in Seattle. I was going to brag about it on my blog for you... I didn't know you got one in Utah!

Believe it or not, some of my family doesn't like IKEA... they don't like how you have to go through the whole store to get to things... they feel trapped.

I tried to explain the shortcuts to kitchens, or shortcuts to rugs... but it just didn't fly with them.

I was shocked and amazed, I thought everyone loved IKEA!!

patsy said...

Wait a minute~ I don't have your blog address! I need it ASAP. I knew you said you were going to get one but hadn't heard back. Can't wait to see it!!