Sunday, August 12, 2007

Peach City & Trent...I guess he was bored?!

I am lucky enough to have the greatest neighbors in the world who let us come & pick peaches off their tree yesterday morning! This weekend I have been busy mostly~ eating peaches. They are so good~they are incredible! Nothing says summer like a fresh peach. Last night & tonight I have made 3 batches of freezer jam-(notice the Ziploc freezer bags, they store a lot easier in the freezer, when you need jam just pour them into your container)- and froze 8 pie fillings! Plus I made this pie tonight~
which is gone now.
With all the peach activity etc. going on around here I have been so tired. Something about Sunday makes it even worse. As I get home from church I can usually can feel myself crashing. Today was no exception, except that everyone was tired. So after lunch I laid down on the couch & I was out. I didn't realize that most of us had fallen asleep- everyone but Trent & Chloe. They were watching a movie before I fell asleep & when I woke up everything seemed to be fine. So I started on this pie. Later when the pie had cooled I told the kids we were going to all pick up then meet at the table for our Sunday devotional & pie. Because of the pie, everyone was milling around getting ready when suddenly Hailey who had started picking up the blocks let out the dreaded- OH MY GOSH. Trent had gotten out the Elmer's glue and glued most of the blocks together. He was making a "waterfall for his train track." These are not ordinary blocks. They are one of our most precious toys. Grandpa messer had made them for us at least 18 years ago when megan & brian were babies- irreplaceable. So the kids got butter knifes & wash clothes and started prying them apart & wiping off the glue. I was so mad I walked into the kitchen where I immediately noticed about 10 cups of flour on the counter - trent had dumped out. I'm not sure when that happened. I guess we need to schedule our naps.

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