Friday, August 3, 2007


Today is Trent's 8th birthday. This is his self portrait from this morning. We love him so much! Here are 8 things we love about trent.

1. He has lots of energy.

2. He says the funniest things- most I can't post because they are too random or difficult to explain.

3. He is a mama's boy. He hugs me just about every 1/2-1 hour, he's trying to give soft hugs. (It's a wonder my head hasn't popped off yet.)

4. He's a good reader & has great penmanship.

5. He is great at making beds. Although he put his laundry away last week & I can't find it.???(even though I put labels on his dresser drawers.)

6. His best friend is Lily. They are so darling together.

7. He is a morning person.

8. He is the youngest of six! (That's gotta be hard)He's doesn't mind being our baby, & I mean that in a good way.

1 comment:

Johnna said...

Just wanted to wish Trent a very Happy Birthday! We love you bud!

Aunt Johnna and Uncle Clyde