Wednesday, August 29, 2007

First Day of School 07'

Do you think these two are excited to go to school? Or is all this enthusiasm about having their picture taken by their insistent mother?
Well, every year I take their picture on the first day of school so you think they would just give up trying to leave with out it. Jack told me I could take a picture of him driving away~ very funny. He is a big Junior in H.S. this year~ very exciting. He is so smart & in all honors classes. We like him. Hailey is in 8th~ also very smart and sporting the very popular 13 year old hairdo. (over the eyes) Hailey are you in there?!! Hee Hee- she is going to kill me when she reads this. Hopefully they don't have access to the internet on the first day of school.

I took him up on the picture leaving since his buddy just got a "new" truck~ which they have fondly named ... The Cow. Remember when you were in H.S. & trucks like this were cool? Jack is envious. He will feel a lot better about it when he starts seeing how much gas it takes to run this heifer. I keep reminding him about that~ somehow gas mileage doesn't seem like such a big deal when you don't have a car. Oh the realities of life...

On the other hand here is a cute couple of really excited school goers! Wow - they were so thrilled & who wouldn't be? They both have the BEST teachers, go to a GREAT school & are going to have so much fun.
I saw trent while I was at the parents back to school meeting & he looked so nervous. I was surprised because he was so excited when he left. He will be fine~ he thrives in routine, but let's face it, he's had the summer off. That was fun, oh well- back to work.

1 comment:

patsy said...

Hailey has such a great attitude. She laughed when she saw her picture. She was not excited but nervous for the first day.