Friday, May 15, 2009

pta convention 09

It's been a busy week for us all, I'm sure!
These last few weeks before school gets out- are jam packed with loads of goodness- plays, parties, college orientation (already?)
Plus, all the ol' regular activities- scouts, ballet... you get the idea.
Spring also brings- the Utah PTA convention at one of my favorite places in the whole world- BYU campus. Oh again... how I love that campus!

Yesterday I drove down by myself- I had to be there early & stay late for some legislative issues. The older I get the more I enjoy being alone with myself. Interesting... the younger me hated being alone & always wanted to be busy (well I guess that hasn't changed but I am doing better.)
I guess being in my 40's now- I'm finally coming to terms with myself & who I am.
(most of the time)
Brett was so great to work from home, get the kids off, be there when they got home- order pizza, the whole mom bit- he's so supportive of me always. I don't think I give him credit here on this blog enough- he is the best!

I found this fabulous parking spot right across the street from the Monte L. Bean life science museum. When Brett was in school I would take Megan & Brian there. It's full of taxidermy animals- kind of gross now that I think about it- but two toddlers loved it & it was free. The best price for our little college family. It was delightful walking down past the bell tower in the morning sun as the bells played "Come, Come Ye Saints."
And look at this-
Right down from my car...
loads & loads of blooming lilacs!!
I took this shot as I came around to the Wilkenson center. I love it. the sun is coming over the mountains, students walking & the Y in the background. Happiness. There is just a feeling here-

This year in PTA I am the region legislative representative. My goal is to educate & increase awareness of what the PTA locally & nationally does for children. Increase my own awareness & knowledge of local & national issues & use my voice to hopefully make a difference.

I love legislative issues, the legislative session, being at the capitol, etc. This position is a good fit for me & has made me excited to be involved on a different level.

At this meeting I was sitting next to my PTA friends, Charity & Natalie- (I should have gotten a photo) Charity was worried about here parking spot & left to move her car- I was of course telling her about my Fabulous spot near the bell tower- gush gush.
I met Janae for lunch- we shared a mint brownie- the verdict is in... hers are SO MUCH better! I feel so privileged to have experienced her mint brownies in real life.
Ms. Utah spoke- she was surprisingly excellent
Ryan Shupe & the Rubber band was there- they are FAntastic!
I went to three classes:
1. Legislative VP 101- been here before
2. Legislative VP- what is the National PTA's agenda
3. Protecting Children from Abuse
I checked out all the vendors trying to get fundraiser commitments, & I won a Marie Calendars Pie!! woo hoo- I didn't want to carry that around all day- so I called my newly engaged nephew Marcus aka: BYU student extraordinaire & he came & picked it up. I hope it was good, I don't even know what flavor it was!? Later I stayed & voted on this next year's resolutions.
As I walked back to my car... I saw something in the distance on my windshield?

how does that scripture go-
pride goeth before the fall
I guess I didn't see the "Y zone only parking" that was not clearly marked on the curb.
dang it!
When will I ever learn? I tell you I am just like one of my kids...
The good news?

I had a dinner date set up to meet Jill & this oh so fabulous Bacon, Blue Cheese Burger!

Jill is the best.
I talked and talked and talked my full blown head off & she was so GREat!
Jill is one of those people who just get it-
she is amazing & so warm & kind & even brought me Chocolate chip cookies!
I am so lucky to know her in REal life.
Thanks Jill!
I came home to find my two guys waiting for me.
Brett & Trent
What a great day


Janae said...

This was such a great day! I was so glad that I got to go too.
I can't believe the parking ticket?#@! what?
That burger looks amazing...i want one right now:)

Kristy said...

So.....I was waiting to hear if your new toys made it and washed the night away?????

Love the pictures!!!!

Jill said...

I think Janae's mint brownies are better too, and loved having about 10 days of sampling to make sure I came to a sound conclusion.

It's great that you're so involved with PTA and legislative issues!

I'm so glad we were able to get together for our tasty dinner and great conversation. You're so enjoyable!

She Loves To Make said...

That first picture of you is so cute! Sorry about the parking ticket...that really stinks!!!

Anonymous said...

First I see that burger at Jill's- now here. You two are killing me today.

I never knew the PTA was more than just meeting at the school. Very cool (and inspiring) to see it at this level. Sorry for the parking ticket- at least it is a pleasing green instead of a neon orange...

Cute pic of you and Jill!

wende said...

sorry about that dang parking ticket!

glad you got to meet jill for dinner but i'm mad jealous over that burger - oh man that looks good!

you are so inspiring to be so involved, i loved going to pta convention, i need to find a reason to go back! especially if means hanging out with you and janae all day!

and...i LOVE ryan shupe - they are just pure fun. their thanksgiving point concert in the fall is something we look forward to every year. glad you got to hear them live.

Rachel said...

Oh bummer on the parking ticket! I bet you could contest it if the curb wasn't clearly marked ... did you get a photo of what it looked like?

Otherwise, I'm with you on the feeling at BYU campus. When I was younger I thought it was stifling and uppity - but that was just me being a rebellious teenager :) Now, although I think Utah in general is, well, really plain and boring (besides SLC, what a great city!) ... there *is* something really peaceful and special about BYU campus.

Your PTA activity is inspiring! It makes me look forward to getting involved when my kids start school.

crystal said...

You are so fabulous to be involved at such a high-intensity level.

"The older I get the more I enjoy being alone with myself." Amen! I was just noticing this about mySELF the other day. I think maybe it's due to the fact that as moms, we get so few quiet moments. And also because as moms, we really need the spiritual regeneration that comes with quiet reflection time.

Wish I could've stalked you two at JCW's! You KNOW I would've!!!