Wednesday, May 20, 2009

good day gone wrong

It started out as such a great day--
I have a list of things done, I even made bread- BREAD people! I've been making loads of homemade bread & feeling very martha - ish... thanks to this: the greatest bread recipe of all time.
I sewed, cleaned, ran a couple of errands, visited with a friend, cleaned the fridge, weeded the front yard- because jack said he would then didn't..... (the start of my anger) then I planted flowers in the back yard & had a couple plants left over for some pots. I even watered my newly planted garden, twice.
It should've been bliss.
Should've been.
I lost it- completely lost it-
screaming mad- horrible potty words like: stupid even the SH word slipped in there - under my breath, but I'm sure they heard it.
What put me over the edge?
There was a whole long list of things going wrong. I snapped. I hate it when I snap. I had a little snap yesterday when a neighborhood kid talked Trent into thinking that slashing his bike tires would get him a new bike.... maybe some of that carried over.
it feels like someone rototilled the back of my legs & my hands are aching.
i have such guilt for yelling my head off - then going to bed.
I should've gotten in bed 45 minutes earlier.....
I hope the ibuprofen kicks in soon & that today is better.


Anonymous said...

Yikes, sorry Patsy...there are few things worse for me than when I let one thing spoil the whole day. Seriously, it messes with me the whole next day from the guilt. Be kind to yourself today- we all have those moments of rage and regret!

Unknown said...

been there, done that, more often than i care to admit. (way more often, as a matter of fact...)

hope the ibuprofen kicked in - hoping more that you were able to feel better by blogging the fantastic list of things you accomplished that day!

shannon said...

I've been known to throw a few potty words around as well...(heavier duty than even stupid and sh...).my kids just run for cover when I'm in one of those moods!--Unfortunately, I seem to have more of them than not...I'm ashamed to admit that I had a complete meltdown this morning because Ellie screwed up 4 cards that were supposed to be for her teacher...(I should do a post on my ridiculousness, in fact!)

I'm curious as to how Trent went about telling you about his tires.
Did he pretend he didn't know how they got that way or did he just confess it immediately...(I would have been livid!!!)--I can see why your mood carried over to today...

Hope the ibuprofin kicks in soon--

Kristy said...

I hope things work out with the bike fun at all.

I am glad you got a ton done before the bike incident! Way to go!

Jake told me your bread was really yummy and I should make some for I guess I will need to check out the recipe.

Gail said...

I'm sorry you snapped, but if it helps any, knowing that you can snap makes me feel a lot more normal. Whenever I snap I am conviced I am the only one. I hope it all turned out ok in the end

Beth said...

Must be something in the air... I had a total ridiculous regretful melt down too (yes complete with naughty words). I have way more of those than I can admit.

You were so productive, impressive... feel good about that and forgive yourself.

Sounds like I will have to try out the bread recipe... Martha aint got nothin on you girl!

Love you tons!

Jill said...

At least you were super productive up to the point of losing it! I hate it when this happens to me, but it happens to all of us sometimes. I say potty words far too often, so much so that it's not a surprise when they come out of my mouth at all.

Rachel said...

Okay, so Gail said pretty much what I was going to say. I not only think I'm the only one, but that I'm a terrible mom when I snap. But you, you are a fabulous mom. So it makes me feel like maybe I won't ruin my kids if sometimes I just can't take it anymore.

And I thought I had the best bread recipe in the world, so looks like I'll have to give yours a try! :)

wende said...

i'm sorry you had a day like this. hopefully a good theraputic thursday making CUPCAKES will cure you. i can't wait to hang out!

and by the way, EVERY mom has days like this. so put the guilt down and walk away. love ya!

Karrie said...

I snap all much in fact that I think my family thinks it's normal...oh well hang in there.