Monday, May 4, 2009

shopping for maternity clothes... some things never change-

REally- there are a lot of great new things out there when it comes to maternity clothes. Old Navy & the Gap have a line of cute stuff- but last Thursday night Ruthie, Megan & I found some real worthy stuff.

{ruthie- modeling the "faux belly"}
Motherhood Maternity has a HUGE store in Orem, Utah.

Huge, like 10 times as big as the one in Megan's town.
they even have a "faux belly" to help you see how things will fit.
I don't know why but this polka dotted dress with the belly underneath- sent me into belly laughs... so funny. It's hard to see, but it's really lumpy & ya- maybe you had to be there?
how about this-- every pregnant woman needs a big bow right between the...?

(it says-- let the love grow)
This one was so tacky- oh my- who wear this stuff?
someone must or they wouldn't sell it, right?

This one comes with stretch marks on the OUTside.....

They have these too- Belly bars.... ?
they even have these new candies to suck on that are supposed to curb morning sickness
SEriously though- megan got so many cute things!!
Now she just has to grow into them....


Jill said...

How fun to go maternity shopping for your first daughter and first grandchild! It was perfect timing for Megan to be here for Women's Conference and shopping.

Kari Sweeten said...

lol...I was laughing so hard at this post (especially the shirt with the "stretch marks on the outside")!

Kristy said...

It never seems to fail they always make those ugly maternity shirts. I remember all the cheesy ones in the 80's. Fun time in the maternity store!

Karrie said...

I want to get her a "baby on board" shirt...that's a real classic. I'm also looking for "I'm with stupid" shirt for me to wear on a date with Troy...JK

Janae said...

I am glad she found some cute stuff! it is sometimes are to come by. The t-shirt is crazy..who would really where that?

She Loves To Make said...

That store had such awesome AND such tacky pieces. Even though the fake belly looked RIDICULOUS I'm glad they had it so you could tell how the clothing would stretch!

jakenapril said...

shopping while pregnant is always an adventure. thanks for documenting, patsy. and thanks for taking pics of all the stuff megan shouldn't wear. maybe you should start a new blog, "what Not to wear (when prego)!" i'd watch it.

shannon said...

I used to love to go maternity shopping!--I actually really loved my maternity clothes (I know!--crazy--right?!)

The trend for non-pregos lately seems to be these baby doll tops that look rather maternity--

I like them and bought a few the other day...

I was at the church with my friend putting up a bulletin board, and I had one of these shirts on...

A lady that was cleaning the church walked by me and asked when my baby was due! :( I returned the other shirt later on that day!--And I turned the one that I had been wearing into a pajama top!--(Heaven knows I'm not trying to look appealing for bed anymore!--I wouldn't want my husband to get the wrong idea...tee hee)

wende said...

when i had ethan nine years later i was shocked at how much cuter everything was but EVEN MORE SHOCKED that they still had all the ugly stuff.

they should divide the store into sections called: "cute" and "hillbilly". at least you would know which rack to point your camera at. i LOVE that you took photos of all that ugly stuff. now it's up to megan to post some of the cute things she bought!