Friday, May 1, 2009

31 for may

1. I can't always help Trent with his 3rd grade math...?
2. Don't judge me-
3. he is currently working on geometry shapes & terms.
4. I'm pretty much an idiot.
5. I love, love, love being a Bear Den leader.
6. I am shocked by this-
7. I disliked doing scouts when I was jack's Bear leader.
6. I think I understand boys a little better now. And- I've lightened up a little.
7. The future benefits have become crystal clear.
8. Plus, I don't have to dress up, wear make up, no one judges me-
9. just follow the book
10. piece of cake, kind of....
11. There are only 196 days until the missionary comes home.
12. smile
13. has it gone fast for you?
14. It has been an amazing experience for me.
15. It goes without saying...
16. it has been life changing for him.
17. I am excited for Jack to go now
18. well, kind of- I mean mostly--
19. I am embarrassed I had so little faith to begin with
20. Sometimes I feel like a little kid-
21. learning everything the hard way.
22. I guess it wasn't... little faith
23. More like- motherhood growing pains-
24. those are powerful!
25. I don't believe in jinx's
26. I do believe in the power of positive thinking-
27. and positive language (even though I called myself an idiot earlier in this post- I was being sarcastic)
28. it's fantastic & sometimes shocking what positive words can do!
29. We are finally having a real spring here in Utah.
30. Every other year (it feels like) we go straight from snow to 90 degrees.
31. Not this year-- 60's & the tulips are GORgeous!!


Beth said...

I think motherhood growing pains feel like lack of faith sometimes when you look backwards too.

I wish there was a way to "type" sarcasm into our posts... I am that way too. But most of the time, I get comments back that tell me the reader didn't get my sarcasm. Gasp!

Really? Your ready for Jack to go.. not me! Brians time has gone WAY too fast, I didn't get to send him nearly as many letters as I wanted or should have.

A friend of ours son just got called to the Santiago, Chili mission! Yipee!

Kristy said...

I can't help Jake either.....he asked for my help last night and I had no clue!!! I had to tell him to ask his bad is that!!

Yeah for Spring, I hope we have a better start to summer this year than we did last year.

wende said...

the kids stop asking me for math help in the third grade. they ASSUME i can't help and would rather just WAIT for rich to come home. what the?

sarcasim is so hard to portray through writing - maybe i should take a class? maybe rich should teach it, he is king of sarcasim. my kids learned he was joking at an early age, but only after he shocked them 100 times or more.

shannon said...

OK--I, too, am completely stumped by 3rd grade math!--Thank goodness I've got my husband, (who used to be in the math club in high school!)--Never thought I'd end up marrying one of those guys!! :)---It sure comes in handy, though!

I love these little month "lists" that you do...

Karrie said...

Great list and I know math sucks!!!

Cecilia said...

What a great idea for a post! Great list!
196 days??? That's awesome!

Janae said...

Good list Patsy:)
i can't do math, and i love sarcasm. maybe we need to invent some sort of icon for it?

Jill said...

I totally hear you on the math help. Whitney is in 2nd grade, and while I can do her math, I'm not always good about helping her since they are teaching different ways to solve things. Sometimes I'll explain something and she'll just look at me like, "what are you talking about?" I feel like idiot.