Wednesday, January 28, 2009

why do I have dogs?

I'm having a really rough day & just need to let off some steam before my head explodes...

I found out -after several phone calls- that I put, "you won (or were sent on to region)" letters in several of the non winning entries for reflections.... sorry kid, even though the letter says you are going on - you are not.

I feel terrible.

AFter the last (so far) phone call I decided I had to get the last two schools reflection entries OUT of my house ASAP, so after school chloe & I headed out. Upon reaching the second school I heard an unusual noise in the back of the car. Max was with us... and he was starting to throw up. I tried to pull over but ya- he puked in the bag of reflections. It wasn't a big bag- there was a whole car to throw up in- but he I guess he thought throwing up in the bag & all down the side, mostly on some poor kids honorable mention ribbon, was his best option. I got out of the car & threw the back door open. Chloe passed fast food napkins back to me as fast as she could, plus old, almost dried out, wipes from the glove box. I cleaned off the entries (it's a good thing they were in plastic) and wiped up the ribbon the best I could. by this time he had stepped in it & was getting it all over the seats.

the project I have been working on didn't turn out like I thought it would.

I have a headache.

maybe days home alone aren't my thing.

maybe I should change my word for the year to survive instead of create?


Janae said...

ok...doggie puke??? oh dear...naughty dog! I am sorry today was bad...tomorrow will be better...I promise:)

wende said...

oh man, i'm soooooo sorry patsy! you poor thing! crap happens, what do you do? don't feel bad, tomorrow will be AWESOME! i'm so glad to get out with the thursday girls. we will make you forget about the doggie puke. promise.

Kristy said...

I am sorry Patsy.....what a horrible day!!! As far as your project can I help with anything??? Tomorrow will be better.....just think cheesecake!

Cecilia said...

Oh no, I'm sorry about your day! The good thing is that the day is almost over and tomorrow is a new day :)

Karolynn said...

Oh my gosh, that sounds like a bad day for sure. I am so sorry. It seems like when one thing goes wrong everything falls apart. Big hugs to you!!!

shannon said...

Poor Patsy! Poor Max! That sounds like a possible SNL skit in the making...:( Sorry to hear about your rotton luck...
It's times like that where you have to just keep saying to yourself "Serenity now--Serenity now!"
Hope tomorrow is a better day...

She Loves To Make said...

Oh my gosh! I would've freaked! I'm so sorry!

Beth said...

Sorry Sis, that's a pretty rotten day!

I hope your fun thursday with the girls helps to lift you up!

PaD said...

What a smart dog to choose the sack. Next time have an empty one for him. Be sure and tell him where to puke next time. (My sense of humor.ja ja) Sorry you had a rough day. Hope it's better now.

Jill said...

This is a nightmarish story! I'm not keen on dogs in the first place, so adding dog vomit to the bag of Reflections and then all over your seats is just too much to take.

I hope you can shake it off!

Karrie said...

I was laughing so hard....I'm sorry...what a bad day...but followed by a really fun day after right?

michelle said...

Ohhhhhhh, say it isn't so! Jack throws up semi-regularly in the house, and I thought THAT was bad! Not in your car! Not on the Reflections entries! Damn dogs.