Saturday, January 3, 2009

new year... new goals?

Oh boy... I thought I had done okay on my goals for 2008.
I did really well on the list I made on my side bar!

~make a quilt - did it x 2
~organize the basement- again - did it with the help of the whole family!
~paint the inside of my kitchen pantries - did it- thanks for helping brett!
~go to a BYU football game - didn't do it... I just couldn't bear to take one of the kid's chances to go. I've been before-
~Send at least a card to each family member on their birthday - did it mostly... I miss some great nephews.
~send a package at least once a month to the missionary- did it!
~100% Visiting Teaching - almost did it- (I think I missed two visits, not bad!!)
~blog regularly & get my blog bound near my 1 year blogaversary my goals this past year- didn't do it or even attempt to. I am way too overwhelmed by the thought.

But then... just to check...
I read my last year's spt on goals.
maybe I shouldn't have done that?
(read the post or made the goals in the first place?)

so my goal for now is to put some REAListic goals on my side bar. where I can see them everyday. so I can check in on how I am doing on a regular basis. I guess I work better that way.
Don't get me wrong. I know I need to take better care of myself. In some ways I really have made progress in that area. I spend more time doing the things I really want to do, I have more friends in my life... what can I say?

some habits die hard

*did you make resolutions last year? How did it go?


Kristy said...

You are brave to post your goals! I did poorly maybe this year will be better right???

Jill said...

I need to go back reread the stuff I wrote about my goals for last year (not a good sign) but I pretty much know that I started out great and then fizzled when Randy turned into my in-house groove buster. It shouldn't be an excuse, but it pretty much turned our year from hopeful to desperate.

wende said...

you are awesome. you did tons and should be totally proud of yourself!

i love that you reminded me that having friends and doing things i want to be doing is part of taking care of myself. i needed to hear that!

Karrie said...

Was one of the quilts mine? I love's in the family room. I've given strict instructions that it is not to be touched by anyone but ME!

I don't know if I want to set goals for 2009 I just want to live life and try to be a good person.

michelle said...

I always make goals for the new year, but sadly they are quite often the same goals year after year... I like the idea of making realistic goals AND putting them on your sidebar!