Thursday, January 22, 2009


I have been trying to finish up some things around here & haven't had the chance to REally blog or read/comment on blogs. Sometimes life just takes over.
But I want to document a few things.

I took my scouts to the police station this week for a tour & then to get cookies at a bakery. They were really good. I found my old scout shirt from when I was Jack's den mother... 2000. It doesn't fit- like really doesn't fit. I'm talking 6 inches of open space. It's a scout jacket. I'm debating on keeping it as incentive to get rid of this extra weight or just getting a new shirt?

My word of the year necklace broke on Wednesday. Do you think that's a bad sign?
I have started posts on my word of the year over & over. I don't know why it's hard to document for me? I guess I am thinking it has to be this big deal- maybe because it is a big deal to me. But- my word, no surprise to those who know me (I had the same word last year) is CREATE. I have so much to say about this, why is it so hard to blog about?

Last week we fingerprinted & made plaster aparis imprints of our feet. some of the boys wanted to do it with shoes on/some shoes off. It was pretty cold & I was glad I brought wipes! Funny, secretly I would want to make mine with my shoe off too, so I let them.

My big project- okay, I have been doing Reflections on the council level- is almost done. The eight schools I have been working with are picking up their entries & awards today. Only one has come so far & the time frame I gave them to come is up in 20 minutes.... ? I. don't. think. this. will. ever. end. I love kids, I love the arts, I love kids & the arts & think it is so important for them. Thus I get myself into these things.

Yesterday was creative thursday. We celebrated Kristy's birthday & took her to lunch. Really great day. But, my camera battery was dead. Really not cool.

It is raining & I am so happy. I LOVE a rainy day.

Except for..... rain + dogs = mud.

Mud + the painted floor= mess. I hate the mess.

Yesterday Bronco peed on the carpet right in front of the door to go out.

Today he peed on the couch.

Animal cruelty is now a felony in Utah.

It's a good thing.


Kristy said...

I hoped everyone showed up and got their reflections stuff out of your house!!!!!

Yesterday was a ton of fun. I am trying to get the pictures from Karrie so I can do a post. a way I am glad I am the Primary pres, I think I can deal with that better than cubs right now. I have to deal with pack meeting and that is enough for me.

I wish the rain would get rid of the fog and the yucky air!

Karrie said...

Oh man...Bronco is one lucky need to read my post I'm doing...Ace had a similar incident.....but not at may house!

wende said...

i'm sorry about the dog - peeing on the couch? ya, he would be a dead dog at my house too. good luck with that.

i would DEFINITELY do the foot imprint barefooted. i would love the feel of the cold dirt between my toes - i'm just kind of weird like that i guess. :) the scouts are lucky to have you.

michelle said...

Mud + dog = angry mom. (at least at my house!)

"I love kids, I love the arts, I love kids & the arts & think it is so important for them. Thus I get myself into these things." -- Well that explains a lot, Patsy. They're lucky to have you!