Friday, January 2, 2009

moving day

It's hard to believe that yesterday we went down to Orem to help the college graduates pack up & get ready to move on. On to Bentonville, Arkansas- where Tony has a new job at Walmart Corporate headquarters.Brett, Jack & Trent went early to help load up the truck.The girls & I came down a little later to help load & clean.
Their little first apartment wasn't even dirty. It took no time at all with eight of us, but would've taken forever just the two of them.

We will really miss having them near by.
The kids especially.
Megan is such an important part of their lives, being the oldest & such a great example.
I can't stand that they will be so far away- but I am so excited for them.
Isn't it funny that their truck is an Arkansas truck?

It even has some Arkansas fun facts on the side.

I can't believe they are leaving in this terrible weather.
Ya- I am a nervous about this.
But- I know they are smart kids.
I trust Tony to take good care of Megan
and Megan of Tony.

Megan has grown up to be such a wonderful woman.

I am excited to see all the great things to come in life for her & Tony.

I can't wait to go visit them this year in Arkansas! Did you know that Bentonville is only 5 1/2 hours away from Graceland? Brett says that even if he could visit 10,000 places he wouldn't go to Graceland. Well, we shall see about that! I really want to go to Graceland- hurray for Megan- she says she will go with me.

Be safe kids!

I love you guys!~ mom


Jill said...

I'm sure it's bittersweet to let them go again, especially since it's permanent this time. But I think it's really great for newly married couples to have to make it on their own and not be able to run home all the time, so I'm sure this will be great for them. (Maybe not so much for you though. At least there are blogs and free long distance eh?)

Gail said...

Having you kids move away from family will be hard for all of you, but I'm sure it will strengthen their relationship to have only each other to rely on. Best of luck to Megan and Tony, and, I would go to Graceland in a heart beat.

Kristy said...

Sad day :(. I hope they are safe. I hope you get to visit Graceland...keep working on Brett!

She Loves To Make said...

Love you mom! Thanks for all of your help! You're right--it would have taken me forever to do all the cleaning myself.
We're in mesquite right now, just about to leave. Gotta love casinos and wrinkly smoker men and women trying to make their fortune haha.
I love Utah.

Johnna said...

I'll go with you! I also love the fact that you took such a great picture with Megan, not even one tear in sight. I have to admit that I am tearing up for you.

Love you....

wende said...

how are you not bawling in this photo with megan? i guess it's because you have SO MUCH to be proud of with her - she really is wonderful! you and brett have done a fantastic job and i know they will have a great time in AK. but seriously? why do they have to move away? i dont' know how i'm going to be able to handle that day. you'll have to come hold me up.

wende said...

ps. let's go to graceland and then stop at that crater place and pick us up a couple of diamonds baby!

Karrie said...

I will go the Greaceland too...I want to see the Jungle Room! I need to add megan to my side bar to keep up on the manufacturing and production job she has.

michelle said...

How hard to see them go! I dread that day.

Brett's comment about Graceland cracked me UP!