Thursday, January 8, 2009

rough but good

It's been a good but rough couple of days ~

rough/good because we're all getting back on a routine

rough because I left way too many things undone before the Christmas break to do after the Christmas break.... oh man- what a mistake! why do I do that?

rough because at this point, after the holidays... even my fat clothes don't fit. *sigh*

rough/good because I stepped out of my car today (I was in a HUGE hurry) onto a snowy curb & TWISTED MY BAD ANKLE! REaLLY HARD LIKE WHEN i BROKE IT. I stopped. Cringed. Almost cried. then thought... I'm okay. I didn't re-break it!! feewww (now it's really sore but it's not broke :)

rough because I had a big PTA project to get done-

good because the blogger moms saved my bacon (love that phrase jill) & helped me get it done today. I have some paper work to do with it still- but the really hard part is done! thanks guys

good because trent & I are in a really great morning routine & have read together every morning this week- I LOVE IT & really hope this continues!

rough because I totally underestimated how crazy 6 cub scouts can be & neither of my great ideas worked the way I thought they would at cub scouts this week.

good because someone thought I would be a worthy guest speaker for YW next month. I'm really excited for this!

good because I made an extra lasagna a couple of weeks ago, put it in the freezer & now we are having it for dinner tonight.

how's your week?


wende said...

great post - i love pulling doubled recipes out of the freezer for dinner. it's like having a night off!

rought but good - you always say just what i'm thinking!

Jill said...

You're brilliant to have made an extra lasagna like that!

Hooray for the blogger moms saving your bacon! I often tell Michelle we need a 2nd or 3rd self so we can do all the things we need to do, especially when big projects come along.

Karolynn said...

I am sure glad you didn't break your ankle! I want some of your lasagna, you know it has been 5 years since I had it last ;) You will do great speaking in YW, I miss your girls!

Kim Sue said...

rough but good....that's great that you can find the good stuff and don't just get bogged down by the rough stuff. We had a rough week but I am now looking back and trying to come up with some good stuff too!

Karrie said...

I love when I have extra dinners I suddenly remember on rough/good days.

michelle said...

It's so hard getting back to real life after the holidays. I am SO glad you didn't break your ankle again!!

Don't even get me started on cub scouts...