Thursday, September 25, 2008

missionary update

Tomorrow is the missionary's birthday. He will be 20! I wrote his birthday post & scheduled it on Monday... I am hoping he will get on my blog for his birthday, anticipating a post. (once in a while, with members he gives them my blog address & they bring it up to see our family)These are them- all the pictures we have since he's been in Chile. Except the one on my sidebar. It's really strange to go almost a year with out seeing your son. It's an honorable cause & I feel so lucky it's not for some awful reason.
This week he sent his regular group email- OH THank heavens for email!! - then he sent Brett & I one just for us. Here are some quotes from it.
" Oh, our ward mission leader got released so we dont have someone to teach the principles of the gospel... guess what, I teach it. I never thought I would be teaching classes in the church in spanish arent you proud. I really love to teach it. I didnt have anything prepared yesterday cause they told me when I got there but we talked about charity. It was really cool and I love to teach it. That is the class where all of the investigators and new members go to be able to learn at a faster pace. It was really cool. I love the language, I really do. I think I am going to have a rough time going back to english when I get home. You guys are going to get here and I am going to have a rough time talking with you I think. I talk in english with the other gringo elders but we talk in spanglish because they understand them both when I accidentally throw in spanish words but when I have to talk in straight english it gets really complicated and rough and my brain starts to hurt. It is actually really cool and it is obvious the Lord has blessed me."

I can't believe it has been almost a year!
Brian if you read this- did you get my birthday package? Did you make the cake, frost it & use the candles? do you even have a 9x13 inch pan? I hope you can find that and a mixer. If you can't find a mixer just stir it really well.
Now- in the next year- I need to get a passport & some shots & some plane tickets & some guts... because- you'd better believe wild horses could not drag me away from the opportunity to go pick him up & bring him home.
Then 6 months after that... Jack will go - sigh- kids?? Why did I have them?


Holly said...

Sounds like he is just lovin it! I LOVE that picture with him in the water. You are one proud Mama, and you should be!

Kristy said...

Happy Birthday Brian!!!!

You should be very proud of him...what a great son!

Beth said...

Happy Birthday Brian!!!

Darn! I have a birthday package half packed on the counter for him... it might have to just be a care package, since it won't even come close to making it for his birthday now.

Oh well I will just have to teach him all about how we celebrate at our house.. the birthday holiday "month" extravaganza!!

I can't believe Jack goes 6 months after that!!! Your freaking me out!! Jacob will go the year after that... oh I can't go there yet.

Love the post!

Janae said...

Great post Patsy! Happy Birthday Brian:) A whole! It sounds like he is having an amazing time. So blessed with the language. Wonderful!

Karrie said...

I'm excited to meet Brian when he gets home...such a great missionary! I love the cake baking instructions mixed into the blog...too funny. You know they are just going to mix the batter and then eat it out of a bowl without cooking it...duh!JK

He is a great and Brett did a good proud.

wende said...

i can't believe it's been almost a year - i'm sure you CAN believe it! what an awesome guy, karrie is right, you and brett have done a great job with your kids and you should be proud! i know you are.

happy birthday brian!

crystal said...

I know where to get the passport & the shots....but where do you get guts? I could use some, too!

Jill said...

He sounds like he's absolutely thriving! Blessings, blessing, everywhere blessings!

michelle said...

What? Jack leaves 6 months after Brian gets home?? Whoa.

I am really enjoying seeing this mission experience through your eyes. I know it's a tremendous growth experience for them and the best thing they could be doing, but it sure seems hard on the mom.

That photo of the baptism in the lake is just amazing.