Sunday, September 21, 2008

big fat baby stikes again

Look at this!!!
I stayed down ALL DAY yesterday, kept my foot up & wow. It looks so much better today. You can't see all the green & yellow grossness, but this is the first time I thought my foot looked good enough to put on the screen. DAng it now I wish I had a before & after picture. Do you ever have those days where you are so mad & cranky & either PMS or an alien from another planet took over your brain- of course not right? Well I had one yesterday & it was a doozy. Thinking about it this morning I am laughing at what a complete idiot I am. Luckily all our kids were off playing at friends homes except trent who doesn't notice anyway.
I decided that NO ONE was helping me. That was it. I'm sick of help- I'm doing it my self. (I am very stubborn this way, a lot.) I wouldn't let anyone get me anything, so I went mostly hungry & angry all day long. (Note: it's really impossible to carry food & walk on crutches unless the food fits in your pocket or you can stuff it in your bra) So string cheese & some crackers were pretty tasty.
My poor husband spent the day doing laundry, dishes, & working on a slide show of Christ for a presentation at church today. Get a load of that- I'm pouting & being a royal pain in the butt while he is doing that....Could I be a bigger idiot? I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy.
At the end of the night I watched the slide show-- sniff sniff. Maybe this is a lesson I needed to learn. Nothing happens on accident. I guess... I need help. I need more than help. I shouldn't try to do everything by myself all the time. I needed to be humbled. I need to strengthen my relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This lesson I am learning-- why do I have to keep learning this over & over? I think I need mental help- or a brain transplant- do they do those?
So don't feel sorry for me- feel sorry for Brett- you know he's the one who is really suffering these days.... I've got to do better.


Kim Sue said...

ouuuuuch....I can't believe it looks better! Sometimes it takes big "knock-downs" for us to take the opportunity to look at ourselves and those around us in order for us to regroup. I hope you feel more like yourself soon!

Holly said...

Oh your poor, poor foot. I can only imagine the earlier colors.

I can relate to your mood-but I don't have the broken ankle to show for it--so what does that tell you about my attitude lately? Not so fun to be around.

Glad you saw the other side this morning and can laugh. Hope each day gets better!

Johnna said...

I love you!


Karrie said...

Wow that foot is very colorful! Yes you do need to ask for help from time to time...but it's also good to be independent too.

Holly said...

Thank you, I really needed this today. I have been having the same problem the last two days. My kids look at me like Im crazy. Layne just shakes his head. I walked into Sacrament today and walked out after being there only 10 minutes. I felt so bad.
I hear you on those days....I hate them. I hope you get feeling "upity" again :)

Karolynn said...

That looks so painful! The food in the bra cracks me up, but you got to do what you got to do. Sorry you are having downer days. I have days like that a lot, especially when Carter is having a bad day. I have to keep learning the same thing over and over too! Chin up!

Linda said...

I know you don't want any help...but please let us know if you need anything!!

Jill said...

That photo of your ankle and foot gave me the shivers because I can imagine how painful it must be.

I'm sorry you had such a grumptastic day. I hate it when I feel irrational like that because when it passes I feel like a fool. It's amusing to read that Brett was working on a slideshow of Christ while you were feeling this way, the Lord definitely has a sense of humor.

I hope this week is better and that your weekend gives your perspective enough to push through any other bouts like this.

Jill said...

P.S. Maybe you should start wearing a fanny pack or a tool belt, ha!

She Loves To Make said...

More than feeling bad that dad is working hard, I feel bad he has to sleep with that foot in his bed! Haha jk, kinda. Those are some wild colors!

Beth said...

As usual, you have me laughing and crying all at the same time!

You are not alone... I felt like I could have been reading about myself here... well minus the colorful foot pain of course (thank God, really... I am super clumsy, that part could actually be me too)!

I love you!!

Stacie said...

If that is the after picture I can't even imagine how the before picture would have looked! I hope it heals fast for you!! I loved reading your 'tagged' answers! It is a great way to find out a lot about someone!! :)

Janae said...

Ok...I am hoping to see that ankle tomorrow and it is looking even better!

michelle said...

Hee, I did get a kick out of picturing you trying to put food in your bra! And saying "I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy". I always like a good Wayne's World reference. It's dang hard to rely on others for help, isn't it?