Sunday, September 14, 2008


Well, I've spent a whole 24 hours feeling sorry for myself- what a waist of time. Thanks for all your super comments. I am sitting outside on the porch with brett's laptop now & feeling much better. I wrote that last post while in a lot of pain. I am very happy to say that even though the pain has been really bad at times it's been better today. FEWWW! (I'm wiping my brow) It's amazing how life can change so fast & furious. It's all good though. Nothing a mother of six & five time kidney stone sufferer can't handle. Although earlier I nearly lost it when trent came in from the garage & said we were out of diet coke... wait a minute- there's more in the basement. We don't shop on Sunday so that was a almost an emergency. I haven't lost my sense of humor ;)

Chloe is out with me doing homework & telling me about her helacious English teacher. (what is a woman like that doing teacher jr. high?- & yes I am talking to the principal- sometimes it really pays to be heavily involved in the pta-not that he can do anything about it...) Jack has been out here telling me all about the FANtAStic BYU game yesterday where we beat UCLA 59-0 YES!!! Hailey is in practicing the piano- wow she's amazing. It's beautiful. Between the music, the beautiful weather, my sweet family... it's a good life.

ps. brett was made the stake Young Men's president today.


Karrie said...

I'm glad to hear you are better and that there wasn't a Diet Coke emergency...Wow Brett Stake YM Pres. you'll do great

Kristy said...

I am so glad you are doing better!!!! Congrats Brett....I bet the Stake YW's president is a very happy camper today(Wendy is a friend of mine)!!! I am out of diet coke...but luckily my Mom has some or else it would be bad. We are also out of milk so we have to make an early run to store in the morning for milk. Take care!!

Kim Sue said...

:o) glad to see a smile on your face and hear that the cloud that was hanging over your head has moved on! (no diet coke IS an emergency)

Jill said...

I'm so glad the pain isn't as bad today, I was feeling for you. I sprained my ankle a few years ago and couldn't believe how hard it made everything and how painful it was, so I can only imagine how much worse a break must be.

How nice that you have a laptop so you can still blog, I see your cell phone is next to you in the photo as well, but where is your diet Coke? I'm glad you had more in the basement!

Jill said...

P.S. Wow to Brett's new calling, were so relieve it wasn't a calling for you?

patsy said...

jill- the laptop is brett's from work- the diet coke, already drank it ;)

andrea said...

I'm glad today is better. I'm so sorry about your ankle. There is nothing worse than being out of commission. Hope you heal quickly and are back to your normal life soon.

michelle said...

Stop it. I cannot believe you're a 5-time kidney stone sufferer! I bow to you, Patsy. I've only been through it once and I cannot even imagine...

Having a laptop on the porch and blogging -- brilliant.

Cecilia said...

Wow, I just spent about 30 minutes reading your blog to catch up and I'm so sorry about your ankle. I'm glad thinks are going better for you now.
PS- Did you daughter try out for the nutcracker at Classical Ballet Academy with Jenni C King?? My daughter just started going there and she loves it!!!

wende said...

i'm so glad you're at least feeling a little better...sitting out on the porch with the laptop in this beautiful weather can't be all bad right? :) just kidding, i'm hoping for a cast for you tomorrow. plus...i'm hoping for a good excuse to get together for some office marathons! i think it's time you converted me to that show.

Janae said...

So glad today has been better:)
Great picture!
I am thinking Lexi and Chloe MUST have the same English teacher...we will have to talk.
Yeah for the stake...Brett will do a fabulous job:)

Unknown said...

So sorry to hear what happened. Do you need me to drive down and clean for you? I would just give me the word! Hang in there!

She Loves To Make said...

So glad you're feeling better! Good luck at the Doctor's today! Love you

she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

I am happy to hear you're feeling better! I am sorry about Chloe's awful English teacher... that is never fun to deal with443r5r45... those numbers are from Cole, he was trying to take the keyboard from me.