Sunday, March 2, 2008

Tagged by Aimee :)

I was tagged by my niece Aimee so here goes!

10 Years Ago...
I was 30- wow - I'm just a little different now... We had just moved to my town the two years before. There were 5 children in my home & I was the YW secretary- or assistant cub master?
I really wish I would've been blogging then- of course blogs didn't exist.

5 Things on my list to do today...
1. Shower- I have detailed lists.
2. Primary music.
3. write to the missionary, his p-day is tomorrow.
4. Fast- this is very hard for me & i did it!
5. Make dinner.
6. make posters for an awards thing I am co- chairing at the H.S.
7. work on Dr. Seuss birthday stuff I am doing tomorrow at the Elem.
8. Email the agenda for C.Council meeting.
9. I know it's Sunday & I shouldn't be doing all this stuff.... feel guilty. (not really on my list)
10. actually I don't really have a list today, when I get really busy- I start skipping the list. I know, I know, stupid but I almost get overwhelmed looking at a list of stuff when I have over scheduled myself. I just take it one day at a time- one event at a time.Then it's okay & really I like being busy so there you go.

Snacks I enjoy...
Oh boy- since I enjoy all snacks- (I'm working on balance which includes moderation)I am listing snacks I don't enjoy. I don't like PB & J sandwiches. Unless it is combined with chocolate I don't like peanut butter at all.

3 Bad Habits...
1. Getting my kids laughing or rowdie during church.
2. Negative personal thoughts
3. Talking too much

5 Place I have lived...
1. SEattle area
2. Denver area
3. Las VEgas- (Jack was born in Henderson Janae)
4. Provo- go BYU
5. Southern CA for a little bit.

5 Jobs I have had...
1. Driving cars for Hertz
2. Student Body V.P. in H.S.
3. Administrative Assistant
4. Stampin up Rep
5. Mom

5 Things you don't know about me...
1. I've been married 22 years in May!
2. I am the 4th of 5 children.
3. Don't hate me- I love to do laundry & iron.
4. I LOVE disco music- LOVE It.
5. I was voted Best Actress & president of the Thespian club my senior year of H.S.

If I suddenly had a million dollars...
That's easy I would open my dream store- which I won't give the details to. Some of you know my dream, but I am not a risk taker so right now... No Way!
Also I would pay off my house & buy a new car. Start a charity for children. Invest.

I am tagging the cooking blogger moms- you know who you are!

1 comment:

Janae said...

Patsy~ I don't think I new you lived in Henderson for awhile! also, is your dream store the same as mine? I think it might be...No peanut butter? What about peanut butter bars with a thick layer of choc. frosting on the top....yumo!:)