Saturday, March 15, 2008

Shocking But True

Those who know me.. just won't believe where I went today. Yep, I guess it was inevitable. I went to the new-ish walmart that is in my town.
You see I fought with many others not to have it built in our town, for many, many reasons. Namely I don't want this store 4 blocks from my house- well don't get me going.
To make a long story short- my new son-in-law has an internship at their headquarters for the summer. Believe it or not, they are pretty good to their summer college interns- or at least that is how it seems so far. When Megan told me it was a possibility he might work there- I knew it would happen. The heavens are laughing at me.
So today, for Tony & Megan's sake & out of pure curiosity we went here instead of here.

My first love.

Now I feel dirty & cheap... it really wasn't too bad.

Not so crowded, clean parking lot.

Low prices? My eye... I spent $88 in the blink of that eye. I guess that's how it goes.

*are you picky about where you shop?

*is it me or are MOST walmart parking lots filthy???


wende said...

you lasted longer than i, i ended up going there earlier this year unfortunately. i vowed not to but you're right, it ends up being inevitable. i HATE wal-mart! their prices were the same as target's but their stuff is just crap! and that store just makes me feel overwhelmed and yucky. someone is always beating on their kid in the isle and you're right, the parking lots are always gross. oh how i love target. i'm glad they're being good to tony though, at least that's a plus.

Jill said...

I feel the same way about both of these stores, yet I end up at Walmart at least once a month. The parking lot is always a wreck (no brings the carts back in the store). It's best to go there early in the morning or late at night and never on Saturday.

Karrie said...

Patsy...Well at least you've jumped to first hurdle and the next time you need something after Target is closed it won't be as hard to bit the bullet and go to Wal-Mart. I'm sorry I missed you at the booth...the individual sales are over, but we will be back there again on Monday from 4-5 p.m.

Kristy said...

I have not been to Wal-mart since before Christmas! My blood pressure goes way up whenever I walk into that store because of the long long long lines!!! I still like Target better but sometimes I have to break down and go into Wal-mart....hopefully not for awhile!

Linda said...

I really truly honestly am not a snob...I promise...but I do not go to Wal-Mart...ever. I love target!

My niece calls Wal-Mart the throw-up store. She fell down in Wal-Mart...slipping on...yep, you guessed it!!! How gross is that!

crystal said...

"Now I feel dirty & cheap... it really wasn't too bad."


Rachel said...

I have not stepped into a Wal-Mart but once in the last 10 or so years. The one time I did I was a couple years ago with my mom who said she needed yarn. I was too new to my town to be able to redirect her to the cute local yarn shop we have instead. It was such a depressing experience ...

I am extremely picky about where I shop - I'm all about small, local businesses - though I do cheat when I think the kids would go crazy making too many stops on errand day; then we hit Target and the like. But never ever WM or Sam's Club. No way.

Natasha said...

I prefer the cleaner yet overpriced Target to Wal-Mart anyday. I pretty much avoid Wal-Mart at all costs!!