Monday, March 24, 2008

Spring REcess In St. George

Friday morning we got up & into the car for a long weekend trip to St. George to visit my parents who moved there last June. We don't have spring break this year, just spring recess- Friday & MOnday off- lame. I can't believe it has taken us this long to get down there. But then we all know this has been a busy year at our house.We haven't been on a real family trip since Brian left. So... it was kind of nice just having four kids & max in the car.

They watched movies

While I napped & Brett did some work on the phone.

The view on the way to Southern Utah isn't too exciting but we decided it is way more exciting then on the way to Wyoming where the other Grandparents live. There are lots of little towns with fast food & rest areas.

Best of all in Beaver, Utah there is a cheese factory. Brett used to always stop at a cheese factory on family trips so we stopped here for some ice cream, baby swiss & sharp cheddar for Grandpa.
They had it all- and samples. Yum!

Trent was thrilled to see that they sold Jack Link's brand beef jerky!!

(notice the thrilled look on his face?)
We love Jack Link's commercials & watch them on Youtube all the time. So funny.

These two cuties were waiting for us!

After lunch we went to an art show downtown. It was great. There were local artists, live music & more.

St. George has the most beautiful historic district with a lovely water place for kids to play in. Trent who of course, threw a big fit & didn't want to go- loved it.

Chloe & Grandma made a hat in the kids craft area.

Cute stuff!

Trent was soaking wet before we left. It was at least 75 degrees. It felt GREAT!!

It has been so long since we have had nice warm weather- we LOVED IT.

Grandma & Grandpa have a pool house.

The kids had a ball.

While Grandma practiced for the Easter Sacrament meeting Trent kept her going sneaking over...

and hitting...

keys that shouldn't be played. (notice the tiny fingers on the bottom left of the photo?) It's a good thing Grandma is a good sport.

We played cards with them both. They taught us a new game called Golf. As you can see- we're all hooked.

Saturday morning after shopping - we found wedding clothes for Hailey, Chloe & Jack- score- we went to Zions National Park. It was gorgeous & so much fun.

We parked below the park & took the shuttle in to see everything.
The shuttles were great. They had a taped tour you listened to while watching some of the most amazing scenery on the planet.

Riding the bus was a big thrill for Trent.

Seeing sights like this in person was a thrill for the rest of us.

Of course the tour guide had many interesting facts to tell that kept Trent in constant amazement.

The kids, Brett & Grandpa hiked up to the three pools.

This is the lower pool.
Grandma & I stayed down below where the most amazing thing happened. I ran into my good friend, one of the amazing cooking blogger moms who I go to lunch with every month, Karrie. I had no idea she was going to Zions- nor did she have any idea I was going. She is so sweet & had brought me two boxes of girls scout cookies just the day before we left- thin mints & samoas, our favorite. I didn't get a picture of them because they were gone so fast. I didn't have my camera with me since Brett had taken it up the hike. What a great surprise.
I wish these pictures did the park justice, they just don't.
It was magnificent.

These cliffs are well over 300 feet high. I wish I remembered some of the facts... I do but I bet I would get them wrong so I am just a little too nervous to type them out.

We saw a climber- crazy. He/She was just a little speck way up the cliff- AMAZING.

I bet it's really fun to be there when all the leaves are on the trees. I think we had a better view with out them.

View from inside the bus- I loved the huge windows, there were even window's on the roof so you didn't miss any of the spectacular view.

My folks & I.
Now you know where I get my good looks!
(jack trying to look rowdie like trent- he turned his hat so they would look like brotha's)
We had the best time.

It was a real treat to get out of the winter weather (only 48 degrees in our town) and get to spend some real quality time with Grandma & Grandpa.

The ride home wasn't too bad. We left the wedding clothes, I guess we had to leave something.

Severe bed head kept us laughing the whole way back.
some of the highlights I didn't get pictures of...
Easter Sacrament meeting at G & Grandpa's church.
Delicious Easter dinner & card game with the WEaver's friends from growing up in Seattle who live down here too.
Thanks for such a great time MOm & DAd. We'll see you next month for the wedding open house in Cedar City!
*do you have spring break or spring recess?
*have you ever been to Zions?
* do you like girl scout cookies?
*learn more about Zion's National Park here.


wende said...

LOVE the bed head! so hillarious! zion's is beautiful. i heard last year we're not getting out of school until june 5th because we have a long christmas break and a real spring break. we'll see. i'm glad you had fun and your parents are adorable. and...i'm so glad you're home! i missed you!

Jill said...

I have never been to Zion's but really want to go. I have always thought of it as a place for hikers, bikers and climbers and since I'm none of those things I didn't make an effort to go, but that's just foolishness eh?

Your trip sounds very enjoyable. Score on finding wedding clothes for the kids!

Kristy said...

Looks like lots of fun!!! I think we are headed that way next year! Love the pictures with the kids looking so thrilled to be in the car!!

4 flood gates said...

HI, Patsy-

I keep meaning to ask which part of the Seattle area you grew up in? Alija & I are home sick with the flu today, so it was fun for her to see Trent who she knows from playing with Lily when we come down to visit.

Sherri Hainsworth

Anonymous said...

Hey Stranger....It looks like the rest of your trip was great. Ours was too, but the highlight was when I ran into you on the trail. My kids kept teasing me about how loud I screamed! I just think it's amazing how certain circumstances put us in the exact same time and place.....think about can bloggle the mind. Good to see you!

crystal said...

How fun for G-pa & G-ma to have your fam come and bring the happy-van! Your boys look like they're so funny... I like to read stories featuring them.

Janae said...

This looks like a great spring break! Really fun pictures. Isn't it so great to be able to blog this and have the memories for years to come? Blogger is amazing!

michelle said...

What a great trip! You know, any drive is more exciting than the one through Wyoming...

I loved loved loved Zions when we went in October and now I want to go back!

(I totally love Girl Scout cookies and the two you got are my all-time faves.)