Monday, March 31, 2008

What I've Been Doing.... Not Blogging

I have really missed blogging these past few days. It feels like a month since I have written a post. Honestly I really love blogging but this week something had to give. Spring is a busy time at our house every year. Because this is my journal I am going to list some of the things I have been doing the past several days.
I left sick Trent home with Chloe & met Megan at a wedding cake taste test where she ordered the most delicious, beautiful wedding cake.Very exciting. I have been on a diet (haven't been mentally ready to blog about that yet) so tasting wedding cakes was divine. After the first bite I swear I don't remember anything. It's like I woke up 3 minutes later & all the cake was gone. Most wedding cakes don't taste so hot- not Megan's, it's incredible- she wanted a cake that everyone would want to eat. I can't wait to blog about it after the wedding.
Chloe & Caroline had a recital. Karen & I took them. Brett was out of town W-F.
Hailey was supposed to be there but she is in Annie Get Your Gun at the Jr. High & the director wouldn't let her out of the costume check. She of course wasn't disappointed- 14???? Oh ya I sewed a bunch of cowgirl fringe on her costume. It's really cute.
I sent tons of good mail. Really like 40 pieces! The missionary had sent home over a dozen letters for me to send to friends. It was so fun for me to think of them all getting his letters. I wrote a page explaining to them how to write him back. The pouch rules have changed.
Plus I sent a late Easter package to Megan, Tony & the missionary.
Thursday night Celebrity Apprentice, which has been my favorite show this winter, was on & we knew Trent was not sick anymore! He was loud, annoying, & drove us all crazy. We have been watching the show- Jack, Hailey, Chloe & I all season- of course he picks the finale to really act up. Bedtime came not soon enough. Back to the show- I love that TRace Atkins!

I had lunch with Sky & Lori.
Picked up fundraiser posters & started hanging them around town.
The wedding florist canceled. *^%$%#@!!
I addressed many, many wedding announcements.
Brett came home about dinner time.
Chloe had 6 friends over for a late night.
Trent had 1.
We ordered 3 pizzas- the kids only ate 1 1/2.
(Being on a diet is Hell some days)

Trent, Brett & I went to a beautiful baptism & lunch! It was great Kristy!
Brett went to Jack's rugby game. It was freezing I stayed home & worked on primary music. Brett back, we went around town hanging posters again.
4:30 leave for the conference center & go to the annual Young Women's Conference- which was amazing! Oh what a joy to be there in person. I loved it.

The Easter bunny came a week late. Since we were gone last week. So smart!! I hope he comes a week late next year. Not only did we have a spiritual Easter- he must have saved 50-75% on basket fillers. NICE
We went to church late then after went to a missionary farewell- Brian's good friend Derrick-who we love. I could hardly write out his card through my tears. I really love this kid.
After dinner Brett took Jack to instacare to have them look at his thumb which was pretty banged up from Saturday's rugby game. I was kind of hoping that would be the end of rugby this season- man I'm bad. But it's not as bad as he thought.
Monday morning
I'm waking up to drive early piano lessons to this. Yep 3 inches of snow. Global warming- my rear. We are having record cold & snow. It's freezing!
Spring where are you?????

*do you have to let something go on busy weeks?
*is it snowing at your house?
*did you watch Celebrity Apprentice?
*Trace or Pearse?
* would you want your boy playing rugby with a bunch or brutes?


Kristy said...

I am beginning to think that life really never slows down. The older your children get the more there is to do. The posters turned out great! You really should have had some help. Thanks for coming to Jake's baptism he was so excited that you guys came.

Anonymous said...

Yes it is snowing! After being stuck on an icy road for an hour and having a guy pull me the hill after about 100 other cars...I'm ready for spring to finally be here!
I got your easter package last night! I was so excited! Thanks mom!
Yeah, kinda ticked the florist backed out but at least I know what I want so it will be easy to let someone else know what we need!
Love ya mom!-megs

Jill said...

I definitely have to let some things go on crazy weeks, usually it's reading in the cozy though. But then again my life isn't nearly as busy as yours.

Wedding cake tasting sounds so great.

40 pieces of good mail?!! You're out of control!