Friday, March 7, 2008

Book Club

Tonight it's Chloe's book club. Lily's sister is in it too. There is some extreme jealousy going on here. I can't say I blame them. So hey- these two made their own book club! They decided to take turns reading- Junie B. Jones Has A Monster Under Her Bed. Talk about cute. Of course less than half hour into it, Trent ditched that idea & moved on. Lily finished the book soon after on her own- of course. She is the more serious book club member. Trent got in his 20 minutes of reading homework so it's a total win, win, -win situation!
Lily brought the treats- mmmmm cupcakes. Oh how I love them. I was so good & only ate one.

Introducing my friends to Bakerella was pretty much the smartest thing I've ever done. Twice now someone has brought me these. These ones are made by WEnde. We absolutely LOVED them. These are amazing really, I've been wanting to make some- but I have that whole sugar addiction- & I know I couldn't eat just one or two.

Then surprise, surprise... miss Lelly sent me one of her Valentines!!
(I had been secretly coveting one so just imagine my excitement.) I feel so special. I also got a sweet card from her this week & now I can't find it!!! It's probably hangin' out with the extra special card I got for my father in law's birthday last month & now can't find. I'm losing everything these days. Aargh!

*are your kids in a book club?
*isn't it hard being the youngest?
*when you get really busy do you start misplacing things?


Janae said...

cute pictures and yummy treats:) I like Trent and Lilli's "book club" good for them!

Jill said...

The book club wannabes are very cute.

I felt the same way about Lelly's Valentines when I saw them popping up on various blogs.

Linda said...

I misplace things everyday of the's the norm for me now!

wende said...

great picture of the little guys and their book. trent's right, they are going to get married some day! hey, can lilly come over and read to me some time? super cute lelly valentine, i'll have to come over and get a closer look. cute post.

michelle said...

What a fun idea to have their own little biook club. :)

Holly said...

I love that they formed their own book club--at least for a little while.

When I get busy our piles of things-to-deal-with-later grow, but I can usually still dig things out of the piles. Usually.

PaD said...

I'm not busy and I still can't find things. I think it's called senior moment.

Unknown said...

oh my gosh, you JUST got the valentine?!? the horror!!!!

crystal said...

They started a book club?! Wow--good example, mom!

And you look young enough to be your daughter's SISTER. At what age did you give birth?....FOURTEEN???