Friday, November 7, 2008

thanksgiving favorites

I'm in love with this turkey brine. I've been trying to get to Williams Sonoma to pick some of this up, hopefully tonight. I read about it on Pioneer Woman Cooks. It's a little pricey, but I thought it was worth it. I used it last year for our early Thanksgiving, it was GREAT. We celebrated early because the missionary left on November 14th.
Yep- it's almost been a year... amazing, I know.
He was transferred this week to a little island on the coast of Chile called Chiloe. He said he was taking an airplane & a boat to get there. After seeing Ancud, Chile on my reader's map below, I googled it. It's a city on the island & boy is it a beautiful place!
I'm guessing... he's obviously been here?!

As my family grows & moves away...
I'm thankful for blogging- for that connection to home from anywhere in the world.
Yesterday I sent him a package with this in it.
I hope he introduces some Chileans to pumpkin pie!
I don't think they have pumpkin pie in Chile,
Do You?


Jill said...

I've never heard of turkey brine before, but it sounds like it would be yummy.

I can't believe Brian has been gone for almost a year already! I'm glad he's doing well and is now a beautiful island. I'll have to look that place up online.

Liz said...

What a fun treat for him and his companion. What a "sweet" mom!

Kristy said...

I did not get my e-mails until it was too late to have you pick me up some brine....dang! I will just have to make time and get into Trolley Square.

wende said...

we can all head into WS tomorrow together if you haven't gone already. otherwise, grab me some! i loved the brining last year!

i can't believe it's been a year. wow. what a blessed family you have.

michelle said...

I've brined a turkey before, but never with a fancy WS brine -- I'll bet that would make it even better!

When Marc was on his mission, the missionaries made a traditional Thanksgiving dinner for the whole branch! (actually two different branches) That's a whole lot of turkey cleaning and potato peeling. Let us know if the Chileans try pumpkin pie.

Karrie said...

I bet they will love the pumpkin pie...I on the other hand would settle for one of your yummy apple pies.

I have no desire to find brine for a sad is that? the only thing I'm worried about for Thanksgiving is getting my list ready for the day after shopping. I'm not a cook.

Karolynn said...

Good gravy, I learned something new! I had never heard of turkey brine before. I will have to try it! I can't believe Brian has been gone for a year. Crazy!

Janae said...

Brain has made it to the one year...woo hoo! That's exciting:)
Thanks for picking up the brine... I can't wait to try it.